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Nishamoon October 9, 2020 2:54 am

Why does most of the sraight romance web had to have a ultra rich male lead? Cant female falls in love with normal salary man? It is so upsetting.

    Jojo October 9, 2020 11:12 pm

    I agree.. but I have seen that in Bl stories too..
    Is like normal people with a average salary aren't enough..
    One of my favorite straight web is the lady and her butler.. if you haven't read it give it a try.. is really good

    whytho October 10, 2020 11:44 am

    tbh even if he was not rich , i feel like it wouldn't have made any difference

    Nishamoon October 10, 2020 4:37 pm
    tbh even if he was not rich , i feel like it wouldn't have made any difference whytho

    Then when the lead met her ex the impression wont be the same as the car

    haruniwa October 10, 2020 6:20 pm

    it's just one of those fantasy things. marrying a hot rich guy who absolutely loves you is like ding ding ding jackpot ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    whytho October 10, 2020 6:41 pm
    Then when the lead met her ex the impression wont be the same as the car Nishamoon

    i am sure he could have afforded a nice car without needing to be idk a ultra richie rich.

    143ILY October 11, 2020 8:16 am

    I think 1/24 romance ML is just a salaryman

    Nishamoon October 11, 2020 8:30 am
    I think 1/24 romance ML is just a salaryman 143ILY

    Yea and at that there is a chance that the female would be some kind of a princess or rich . And it makes a lots of story boring that i would stp in middle

    143ILY October 11, 2020 9:20 am
    Yea and at that there is a chance that the female would be some kind of a princess or rich . And it makes a lots of story boring that i would stp in middle Nishamoon

    I don't think so. The FL is the chief for the ML's grouo and the story is more about their body swap. Both of them is not a chaebol.

Nishamoon April 9, 2020 8:11 pm

Really enjoyed the comic. I don’t usually can keep up with a ongoing comic but it was really good and funny though gonna miss it

Moon's questions ( All 2 )

Nishamoon June 30, 2021 6:26 pm

I am studing Cs but now i am so doubtful of this major and feeling really low, it is really hard to build a career if not passionate about anything particular

    Ore-Sama June 30, 2021 6:29 pm

    CS? Computer science?

    larubia June 30, 2021 6:37 pm

    Honestly its probably the way its being taught. Try building side projects you're interested in.

    Kash June 30, 2021 6:38 pm

    I have just completed bsc in physics... And bcz of corona I lost a yr... And thinking of doing ma in English... And I guess I'm gonna loose 1 more yr bcz of covid 19 ... I am basically doing something cuz it's better than doing nothing... Like I can't see where I am going.... Sometimes, I get so fed up that I cannot explain.....
    All we can do is wait and do our best in everything by making the right choice in the moment...

    Nishamoon June 30, 2021 6:38 pm
    CS? Computer science? Ore-Sama


    Nishamoon June 30, 2021 6:44 pm
    I have just completed bsc in physics... And bcz of corona I lost a yr... And thinking of doing ma in English... And I guess I'm gonna loose 1 more yr bcz of covid 19 ... I am basically doing something cuz it's... Kash

    I can feel all your words but it is painful ,that fear that some right decisions can turn out wrong

    Nishamoon June 30, 2021 6:47 pm
    Honestly its probably the way its being taught. Try building side projects you're interested in. larubia

    I don't know but I think that I don't have talent of doing complex coding

    larubia June 30, 2021 6:57 pm
    I don't know but I think that I don't have talent of doing complex coding Nishamoon

    It's all about practice. Are you in a BA or BS program? What made you decide on CS in the first place? I hate the way my school's professors lecture, but doing things that interest me (projects, volunteer cs instructor, etc.) made realize its not cs I disliked. Also try to code as often as you can so you're more familiar with how it works for a confidence boost. It's literally learning another language like Spanish, Japanese, etc.

    Think on what you want to do in the field.. to make better decisions.

    Nishamoon June 30, 2021 7:03 pm
    It's all about practice. Are you in a BA or BS program? What made you decide on CS in the first place? I hate the way my school's professors lecture, but doing things that interest me (projects, volunteer cs in... larubia

    In BSc , but I particularly doesn't have any liking or disliking , maybe I took Cs as it is popular among my friend circle

    Ore-Sama June 30, 2021 8:15 pm
    In BSc , but I particularly doesn't have any liking or disliking , maybe I took Cs as it is popular among my friend circle Nishamoon

    I chose CS too and im in love with it .
    Tho let me ask, do u hve something u wanna become? Or sumthin u find cool?
    I chose CS cuz i found hacking nd creating AI cool.
    Maybe u can change majors or find something in CS that you like. Have you explored all the areas?

    Nishamoon July 1, 2021 6:13 am
    I chose CS too and im in love with it .Tho let me ask, do u hve something u wanna become? Or sumthin u find cool?I chose CS cuz i found hacking nd creating AI cool. Maybe u can change majors or find something i... Ore-Sama

    actually our education system is not so flexible to explore

    Ore-Sama July 1, 2021 11:20 am
    actually our education system is not so flexible to explore Nishamoon

    Well true fact is the qualification gets u a job and job gets u money, if thats not motivating then try researching wat you cn do in CS. There's creating apps, ethical hacking, cryptography and stuff
    Maybe u'll be interested in one.
    Tho right now what are u most interested in?

    Keiji July 1, 2021 1:25 pm

    I've faced the same problem...i am science major and it's flexible for me to choose any a result i became more confused...i almost spend two months to research about my career...and it was like you said , i don't have any perticular liking or disliking towards any career...
    The more i researched the more confuse i got...My parents was so worried..ofc they didn't pressure me to choose anything ... they're happy with what i am choosing...but here i am ...siiiiiighhh
    And so , i decided to get help from a career guidance specialist...and i realised that was one of the best decision I've made. They tought me so much about different opportunities, tbh it was so vast from what I've known...and give me 2-3 appointments to get to know my career interest .they shot listed almost 65 careers with my career interests...and helped me to choose scientifically a career that i am interested in , with an aptitude test.
    I recommend you to visit a career guidance specialist if you ever having a hard time with your career...tbh they can help us so much to find our hidden passion ,and make a better career .my guide assure me to help anytime till i get into my career successfully...(like choosing collages,higher studies, seeking career opportunities...etc)i think everyone is like that too don't have to pressure yourself with the one you're not interested in ...and following its cuz your friends are also in it,is not a very wise way to choose your career... maybe you can fit in. But the situation now seems not like that... even if you can complete the course, as a career it's a thing that we are gonna do a very long period of our life doing it without a could tire you out (it's something my guide taught me)
    Don't pressure yourself. DON'T choose a career with unscientific advices ...(like from relatives or someone) And more importantly don't waste your time anymore, with something you're not interested in ,you know it's better be late than never...get some help from professionals, and find your hidden passion... good luck ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    .maahn that was really a long answer ...well, nevermind, because I've been through this situation for so long i got a little carried away... don't mind me....anyway good luck with your career once again

    Kash July 1, 2021 3:54 pm
    I've faced the same problem...i am science major and it's flexible for me to choose any a result i became more confused...i almost spend two months to research about my career...and it was like you ... Keiji

    The main problem is that not everyone has the opportunity to go to such specialist like I can't even find one in my state... I'm from India... And the education system is worse... And it is even worse in my state... Like we have best teachers who can teach but what can we do if we don't have practical equipment... Even my profile. We're complaining about how the severe the situation is... And not even in college... I never had any practical in my entire school life.... Can u believe it.. That is the reason I feel ashamed to say that I am a science major... I have the capabilities but not the opportunity.... And for the best colleges who have those , they r too far away and have very small seats with high pay... Like 1000/100000 .... Comparing to the population I guess it is even less....
    Nowadays I am thinking of improving my hobbies so that even that can make me money...
    And preparing for govt. Jobs... But even that is worse... Like 23 lakh people gave exams out of which only some thousands get jobs.... The whole situation is worse....
    And this pandemic made it even worse for businesses... Like people r now afraid to do business which is making it even more tough to get govt. Jobs......
    Aah.,... I get depressed when I think about it.... Like the whole cycle is completely corrupt...

    Keiji July 1, 2021 4:50 pm
    The main problem is that not everyone has the opportunity to go to such specialist like I can't even find one in my state... I'm from India... And the education system is worse... And it is even worse in my sta... Kash

    What a coincidence ...i am from India too... probably from a different state. (I don't think i can find someone here from my State tho( ̄∇ ̄"))
    You're right...our education system is far from good ...and the Governments are only realising it now, thus thare is gonna be complete reconstruction in two years...lucky them .I am also unlucky due to covid situation...i didn't get to go to the lab too much....and now i am attending practical exams offline...haha ironic right?
    However, most of people don't even know about such a programs like aptitude test, and how useful is too ,i only get to know it recently...i find them online ,and it surprised me they've an office not very far from my's just ,in our undeveloped education system we need to grab what we one gonna just push them to us for our own good.even teachs ..i realised it a long ago i stoped waiting for what gonna come and get me...
    I really envy other countries education system which helps children to find an interested career at an early age ╥﹏╥
    Ngl i hate that government job system how the make categories based on cast or income over than skills...and thare is so much injustice....ugh i don't even wanna talk about it...well as for it's decided for me that i am gonna get my work/higher studies in overseas,(atleast i wish). But sometimes the system here is really annoys me

    Kash July 1, 2021 5:21 pm
    What a coincidence ...i am from India too... probably from a different state. (I don't think i can find someone here from my State tho( ̄∇ ̄"))You're right...our education system is far from good ...and the... Keiji

    Wow... Really what a coincidence..... I'm from bihar..... Do they do online session too...

    Ore-Sama July 1, 2021 5:24 pm
    Wow... Really what a coincidence..... I'm from bihar..... Do they do online session too... Kash

    So um excuse me if im wrong but I thought India had like alotta geniuses? After the US i think its India in standards of education? Or Idk if India was number 1. I might be totally wrong tho

    Kash July 1, 2021 5:43 pm
    So um excuse me if im wrong but I thought India had like alotta geniuses? After the US i think its India in standards of education? Or Idk if India was number 1. I might be totally wrong tho Ore-Sama

    Well.... We do have geniuses but without practical... It's like they get lost in the middle... In India, people give way to importance to govt. Jobs and they know very little about different fields.. Like they prefer more engineering or medical fields including IT and mba..and knowing about other fields ... Or have no idea...
    What we lack is practical.... Like we don't know how to use all those book concepts in life.... Since, a wandering mind can be the most beneficial... And since we don't do practicals... We don't even know what it even means to wander around...
    And we do have high class schools and colleges but not anyone can afford them... And what even amazing is that teachers don't come up with the concepts like how they can mix studies with life either.... And we have huge population... So, seats of such schools and colleges makes it soo hard that I cannot even describe...
    For e. g. I in my school yrs memorised almost all lines of my notes...still!..what gonna happen if I won't even be able say how many laws works in a rotating ceiling fan... And which kind of current works there and what is the role of friction there......

    Keiji July 1, 2021 5:53 pm
    So um excuse me if im wrong but I thought India had like alotta geniuses? After the US i think its India in standards of education? Or Idk if India was number 1. I might be totally wrong tho Ore-Sama

    It's true that we've the best colleges and campus system...And yes!if someone got into those colleges and graduated they're nothing less than a super genius... but thare is still so much injustice...and these bestest colleges are a very few in number compared to the whole colleges and institutions ....each state can controls, thier education system to secondary the system can be different even for States...
    So basically even tho we've best Universities and teachers in world... it's only about higher studies...
    The basic education system here starts from elementary to higher secondary (age of 6-18) is still need to improve so much...and the past two years was really become more terrible due to covid issue
    Hopefully it's gonna change near in future, the circular is already out
    I've heard professors in those colleges are really amazing and the campus life will be a very different level ... it's always my dream to get into one of those colleges... gotta work really hard for entrence( ̄∇ ̄")

    Keiji July 1, 2021 6:00 pm
    Wow... Really what a coincidence..... I'm from bihar..... Do they do online session too... Kash expected i am from a different state which is far away from yours...haha..wanna guess...this is the only state who still making plus two students to taking offline practical exam even in this extream pandemic fact i do have practical exam tomorrow morning :D
    I not sure if they provide service for bihar ( ̄∇ ̄") but i am sure you can find some agencies from online near your place

    Kash July 1, 2021 6:04 pm expected i am from a different state which is far away from yours...haha..wanna guess...this is the only state who still making plus two students to taking offline practical exam even in this extream ... Keiji

    Tamilnadu, Chennai...???

    Keiji July 1, 2021 6:04 pm
    Tamilnadu, Chennai...??? Kash

    Nah close tho , I am from Kerala

    Keiji July 1, 2021 6:06 pm
    Tamilnadu, Chennai...??? Kash close tho., I am from Kerala:D

    Kash July 1, 2021 6:09 pm close tho., I am from Kerala:D Keiji

    Lol.... All the best to u...

    Ore-Sama July 1, 2021 6:10 pm
    Well.... We do have geniuses but without practical... It's like they get lost in the middle... In India, people give way to importance to govt. Jobs and they know very little about different fields.. Like they ... Kash

    Ohh so that's how it is

    Ore-Sama July 1, 2021 6:11 pm
    It's true that we've the best colleges and campus system...And yes!if someone got into those colleges and graduated they're nothing less than a super genius... but thare is still so much injustice...and these b... Keiji

    I see. Ive only seen whats on media do tht explains my lack of knowledge heh. Tho i have visited chennai b4.

    Keiji July 1, 2021 6:13 pm
    Lol.... All the best to u... Kash

    Thanks(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
    Good night (●'◡'●)ノ

    Kash July 1, 2021 6:21 pm
    Thanks(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づGood night (●'◡'●)ノ Keiji

    Good night

Nishamoon April 12, 2021 3:14 am

Living for so long but still couldn't find any specific skill or talent.
What is your talent or a skill that you have?

    Orange April 12, 2021 3:32 am

    Baking (baking is still kinda new but I like making chocolate sweets)
    Drawing (kinda gave up and not that good)
    Understanding some Chinese but when I speak I forget everything-
    Literally having phases then moving on like it never happened (not a talent)
    Being an annoying bitch (sorry )
    Not being able to remember a lot of things
    Having a delayed response even tho I heard what they said...
    Some of them are not even talents... (sorry for typing random stuff)

    hebricka April 12, 2021 3:33 am
    CookingBaking (baking is still kinda new but I like making chocolate sweets)Drawing (kinda gave up and not that good)Understanding some Chinese but when I speak I forget everything-Literally having phases then ... Orange

    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    blo April 12, 2021 3:50 am
    CookingBaking (baking is still kinda new but I like making chocolate sweets)Drawing (kinda gave up and not that good)Understanding some Chinese but when I speak I forget everything-Literally having phases then ... Orange

    U sound like my twin

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