I'm gonna try my absolute best to forget about this manga for a bit. As we all know, some huge misunderstanding is coming that could've been easily resolved is about to make that idiot boxer do some inhumane stuff to Dan. Dan is going to sit and suffer some more, which also means we're going to suffer some more, THEN JK is going to hurt himself doing stupid bs as he has been only to do some kind of mental gymnastics and blame Dan yet again for something he had zero fault in. He'll abuse him some more till toward the end of the comic where he has nothing but either the memories of Dan's kindness, or his classic love movies that'll remind him of Dan. THENNNN he'll show Dan some kind of decency. I can't let this shi live in my head rent free anymore gurl. The art is beautiful but the story and straight up abuse makes my azz itch.
Oh right, and can't forget Dan's dying grandmother who does't even have a string of hair holding her to life now. She'll pass making Dan mentally unstable af, and even more reliant on this idiot boy who doe's nothing but use and abuse his donut hole and throws him under the bed till he's craving another "Jinx fix".
Lmao I'm so dead ass though. Over here about to have an aneurysm because JK can't understand the reason he has a "Jinx" is because he's a closeted angy gay boi. Like girl we're all gay. It's ok, but what's not okay is you punching that mans hole in like its piece of loose leaf paper because you think it makes you better at throwing punches in the ring. Somebody get this boy on one of those long leather couches with a therapist behind some bulletproof glass PLEASE
I know we're getting the build up for Jae's backstory, and break from him being a complete d* head but girl....47 chapters straight this man has done nothing but disrespect Dan. It makes my head hurt reading this at times. I'm also very tired of the Stockholm syndrome these writers have like wtf. That's not cute(???) Can we not????
From my friend.
As we know, Stockholm Syndrome is a coping mechanism to a captive or abusive situation. People develop positive feelings toward their captors or abusers over time. This condition applies to situations including child abuse, coach-athlete abuse, relationship abuse and sex trafficking
This isn’t the right type of relationship abuse and if you look at psychological causes, signs and symptoms this story doesn’t fit.
It gives you 5 Examples of Stockholm Syndrome. None are close. 4 is the Stockholm syndrome abusive relationship. The abuse that causes Stockholm Syndrome isn’t there and there many elements that doesn’t allow to develop to Stockholm syndrome.
The original Beauty and the Beast is Stockholm Syndrome but the Disney’s version isn’t. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1460&context=criterion#:~:text=The%20original%20Beauty%20of%20Beauty,syndrome%20have%20all%20but%20vanished.
It can’t and won’t be Stockholm Syndrome.
There isn't really that much going on between JJK and Dan. It's a sexual relationship where monetary exchange is involved. JJK isn't the worst bl love interest but he isn't a good person or frankly a civilized person either. Dan hated the sex uhm that's rape what happened in the first two chapters so tell why it's not an abuser- abused relationship. If rape isn't a pivotal point along with other violent acts like JJK using that pink dildo thing, smashing glass cup in sheer anger then what is being shown here ?? Dan is definitely a pushover emotionally but that doesn't mean that readers reading it are that too and can't detect abuse when it's being shoved down their throats for many chapters.
Izzie, dear you can hate sex and it not be rape. We can have a conversation and maybe you can tell where you think it is Jinx is rape? Then I will explain why it is sexual assault, sexual coercion and abuse but not rape through the actual story and definitions.
Jinx is non-sex but it is not rape. I do have a post of many paragraphs explaining these terms. You can see this as rape but the actual story tells a different story. What I will share is not an opinion.
Any account that comes in after trying to defame me is a troll. They made like 6 accounts to impersonate my friends and me because they care about the facts I post. They attack me without listening. I call them out and they get offended when they should be looking at their actions that called me to call them out. If they were civil they would not hate or care about me to get to extreme measures. I have caring fans.
I can talk to in DM without inference.
Izzle has tried to humilate me. So I hope when people come here to see. I was civil and asked for communication. She was thanking me but she made a comment to try to humiliate. She made her self like like a cyber bully because she could not handle another pov than her own. While her actions are cowardly, I would be embarrassed if I was her.
So when they come here, they will get this also.
I know the definition of rape and I know the story. There is no rape in Jinx. It is sexual assault and sexual coercion with abuse.
Sexual coercion is when a person pressures, tricks, threatens or manipulates someone into having sex. It is a type of sexual assault because even if someone says yes, they are not giving their consent freely.
if you look at the examples of sexual coercion only one is considered rape.
Sexual assault is any unwanted behavior of a sexual nature that makes a person feel uncomfortable, frightened or threatened. It can occur when a person is forced, tricked or coerced into sexual behaviour without agreeing to it.
Rape is a form of sexual assault. However, not all forms of sexual assault will be considered rape.
Rape is a form of sexual assault in which a person (man, woman or child) is forced to engage in sexual relations (vaginal, anal or oral) against his or her will or without having given consent. Often an attacker will use physical force in committing rape; however, rape also occurs when someone uses threats of violence or emotional force or manipulation to engage an individual in sex.
The definition of rape literally debunks rape in Jinx. It is sexual assault and sexual coercion and other abusive behavior.
The ones claiming rape, if genuine are just from first impressions from the first reading and not reading the story in full detail or not understanding the terms they are using. Or something like that.
However, most on this page are not genuine are only want to stir up drama and troubles. They know they would get responses to harm others to feel better about themselves and only want they degrade others or shame them.
I am telling the truth. She wasted her time.
Ok but why do you use breaking a cup in anger as an argument to justify your point of view and not take into consideration all the times JJK showed genuine concern or offered help to Dan without having any ulterior motives? Any broke, lonely person would fall for a handsom athlete who hires him, pays off his debt, beat up his bullies, offers him free housing, visits his sick grandma, and defends him out in public after he'd been living in misery for almost all his life. There's at least this much going on between the both of them, disregarding the sexual relationship that isn't really considered rape either. Liking sex and giving consent are two totally different things, and as far as things go, Dan did give his consent to this kind of relationship (in exchange of money, sure, but he still did).
I'm not a fan of JJk, but no need to go overboad with attacks and false claims just to express our hate for a certain character/story
Before speaking so much so confidently why don't you search for words like consent first ? The first time Dan and JJK had sex, Dan consented to it but when he realised how painful the ordeal was going to be he immediately RETRACTED his consent. At that point, JJK got mad and threatened to beat Dan if he didn't let him hav sex with him. That's rape. JJK threatened a guy with physical violence for his sexual needs. What do you actually think that is ?? One sided sex. Is there even something called one sided sex? It's plain rape. This story had rape in its very second chapter that's why there is a warning in the first comments. That's why after every few chapters there are angry people in the comment section asking for JJK's backstory or character development.
Also what do you mean by how does smashing a cup justifies my point ? It justifies my point because well because it shows how uncivilized and mannerless JJK is ? If you don't know the broken shards of a glass can cut your hand and cause immense pain. Why would a person break things like that if they had a proper control over their anger like any other normal, sane member of the society. Nowhere in the transactional contract between Dan and JJK was said anything about Dan having to ensure abuse.... Dan put out up with it because he didn't had any other choice and sort of started falling because JJK was the only one in his life giving him the bare minimum amount of kindness noone apart from his granny gave him.
Although JJK acted and helped Dan for his own gain, Dan did benefit from him so there's the reason why a poor guy like Dan fell for him.
Also JJK is a fictional character which is why his horrible actions are not really something to lose one's mind over. I have absolutely no bias towards him but YOU certainly seems like a typical JJK defender and rape apologist. And unlike what you are saying your words definitely show your bias towards him.There is a reason why people with well functioning brains hate him throughout Twitter, Instagram etc. If you wish to put on your pink sunglasses like Dan and say no rape had occurred then that's on you. Jinx isn't the only bl manhwa where rape and abuse trope is present so let's not act blind towards it and don't brush off each one of his despicable actions as something normal coz it's not.
I said what I said and I will stand by it. If you don't like me speaking sense then ignore it how u ignored JJK's abusive actions and rape in this manhwa. But if you wish to argue any further then feel free to do it alone coz I am not wasting any more time in writing paragraphs about JJK's actions when the majority has figured it out already. Have a good day !
You should allow and accept others' pov instead of attacking them and making it look like they are ignoring rape.
People are going to perceive the story and the characters differently, you may not see that way, and disagree but they don't have to attack and trying to humiliate others for it.
And you should practice what you are preaching. If you read the one you tried to humiliate comments you will see that you define rape wrong. Some of what you explained is sexual assault and sexual coercion.
You are also cherry picking.
Jaekyung threatened him. Then he told him to go home. Then Dan made a choice and his reason was he was the said he wanted the money and he will bite the bullet.
Dan chose and then it was for money not the threat.
So let’s use your condescending words “Before speaking so much so confidently why don't you search for words like consent first” or look at what was posted.
The first time Dan gave and take away the consent many times.
You are writing to your pov and leaving out details.
At that point, JJK got mad and threatened to beat Dan if he didn't let him hav sex with him. That’s sexual coercion. If Dan did not consent and was forced it would had been rape. I have shown the story says it is sexual coercion then he gave Dan a choice. Dan is 29 years old. He made his mind up. .
“JJK threatened a guy with physical violence for his sexual needs. What do you actually think that is ?? One sided sex. “
Sounds like sexual abuse but in the realm of the story. Is it one-side? Do you understand Dan? Do you understand the story? I can tell you you are missing something.
“Is there even something called one sided sex? It's plain rape. “ you are not listening. You are imposing.
“This story had rape in its very second chapter that's why there is a warning in the first comments. “
Chapter 2 is Jakyuhg and the uke having sex. There is not warning in Jinx. There is no rape in Jinx. You can see rape but stop saying people are ignoring rape because to they you add rape. If you find that offensive think at what you said to them. Don’t you think they would not find it offensive? Look at what you did with my friend when you didn’t agree.
The problem is you are only seeing it from Dan’s perspective and not looking at others or thinking about the story.
Have you tried to look at from Jaekyung’s perspective?
Dan liked Jaekyung since the beginning in chapter 1.
Jaekyubg has horrible actions. But I think you are being overly critical of him. I did not see your Jaekyung defender or rape apologist comment until now.
I think Jaekyung is dull. I am not defending him. Your actions are just as bad as his.
You are calling someone a rape apologist from your perspective. You believe we are ignoring rape. But we just understand the story and facts. So from our perspective can you call you a rapist? If you are offended please look it is just your actions reversed. I am asking a question.
I see you went for ad hominems and insults. You have lost and have no good arguments. You are exposing yourself as someone that has to be right that they have to harm others. You are being cruel
Unfortunately, Ranch is trolling. I don’t think I spoke to them.
However, today is 2/13/2024.
Three days is a week? In what country?
I don’t call people names. When I use troll it is from their actions and words and I would call that a troll.
Ranch is a being a redundant troll.
In what country is 3 days a week?
And the one that called Ranch a rape apologist if you check the profile. It is not this profile but one of Ranch’s friends impersonating me. https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/15370575/
"Ranch is being a troll." is not calling you a troll.
Ranch's messages here incite trolling.
You did not know who you talked to and looked at their topics.
You corrected yourself when you noticed you did comment. Then showed Ranch the one that called them names was a troll and one of his friends impersonating us.
But how are you keeping track of someone you forgot and even forgot speaking to? Haha That would be gaslighting and a form of trolling.
I just checked this and all I'll say is that a lot of you are crazy. This is textbook definition of what Stockholm Syndrome is, and he did force himself on that man multiple times. Yall will run to google and take what it says as some kind of interpretation piece of art and it's not that. Crack open a psychology book, watch a documentary, ask professional. Emphasis on professional. Not your friend who has the same whack perception as you, or think you're on one because you got someone D riding you for the sake of "the story being too good to be called out". Be safe, and thoughtful out in the real world.
listen you fatty ik you’re so fucking overweight that the ground rumbles when you walk bc you spend so much time jerking of to jinx and arguing with whoever disagrees with you so do your mother a favour and kys bc she doesn’t want a ugly ass bitch for a son either. i know your mom doesn’t love you and this is why. she’s too ashamed to tell anyone about the 300lb whale she keeps at home who never gets off his fat type 3 diabetes arse. i hope you meet a man just like JK since your so adamant on him not being a rapist. fucking pedo asshole.
I got the troll mad. ლ(´ڡ`ლ) Ya Ranch is no talk about me or them. From the links, they share information and others want to argue with them being adamant he is a rapist. They explained that gooodd like they lived it. I am a man? (╯°Д °)╯ I talk about rape or Jaekyung? No. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 Ranch is the pedo. (⊙…⊙ ) https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/15380267/
God's timing and judging someone with gaslighting.
Mark 12:30-31 "And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. The second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself. No other commandment is greater than these."
Matthew 7 Judging Others
7 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
Trolling and cyberbullying are a sin.
3. James 1:26 If a person thinks that he is religious but can’t control his tongue, he is fooling himself. That person’s religion is worthless.
Hate means not being a follower of either bible.
- sign an atheist.
The hypocrisy is real in this one. Imagine coming up with a huge ass essay because you are feeling defensive and angry that a rapist was called a rapist. Sexual coercion is not a good thing hun. There are multiple helplines for it in various countries. Dan was rape. There is rape in Jinx. It's in the first comments,people talk about it on insta and everything. You are either too young or reading too much of Jungkook sex slave fanfics on Wattpad has corroded your brain. You can write proper English yet you can't feel anything off with the second chapter?Some naver forums are discussing to write a petition to Mingwa to put trigger alert in some of the chapters coz that's how unsettled some SA victims feel about it.
The days are wild. Everytime Jinx updates, the comments on mangago pretty much sums up how toxic the whole thing is. Get yourself a moral compass, log out of mangago and read some books.
I am pleasantly surprised that I chanced upon ANOTHER rape apologist in mangago. I thought this kind was only smth that people talked about - thank you for fulfilling my wish. Lastly if calling rape for what it is cruel then I would gladly be "cruel." Reading grape smut is one thing and defending it by twisting words to fit your own personal narrative is another.
I know these people are the ones that posts the pedo stuff all the time. they go after "pedophiles" They are pedophiles and attacking others for it. That's how they don't look suspicious.
Lizzie and Ranch are rape apologists and attacking others for it. That's how they don't look suspicious.
But the gaslighting and false allegations give them away.
There is nothing of value rape apologist (Lizzie and Ranch) can say
@Ranch house owner was certainly right to call you a yapster. Coercion is rape hun. If a 6 foot smth heavy bone MMA fighter climbs on top of me and threatens me to sock my teeth out of if don't oblige to sleep with him so I do it out of fear to avoid getting hurt, it would make me a rape victim same as Dan. Which part of it is too hard for you to understand?? Either you are a guy who seems to have his own delusions about the whole concept of rape or a very young, questionably sane girl who fantasizes about rape and has a kink towards it. Either you something might have gone horribly wrong in your upbringing for you to not understand a simple fact and makes roundabout excuses to defend a fictional rapist. I feel sorry for you. Talking to you is like talking to an earth flatter. I pray people in your real life would never ask or associate themselves with you for opinions on this sensitive topic since you are simply not right on the brain it seems.
If talking a stand against rape and calling it for what it is makes me cruel I would happily be called that. So many people calling it rape is incorrect for you ig since you definitely have some bias towards that rapist.
I will not partake in your ridiculous conversation any further. If it helps you sleep better at night for defending your bias, go off ig :)
I forgot to block the troll. They are fighting with an opinion when you posted the definition with links. Sexual coercion is sexual assault. They took the story out of context to be right. Which part of it is too hard for the trolls to understand?? We are standing with the facts and actual story not mere lies and opinions.. that lame comment was pushing me into false positions with false accusations so they can be right and be superior. Pathetic.
It was just propaganda. This actions and words say that person is a fake person. https://www.wikihow.com/Spot-a-Fake-Person
I said Jaekyung was dull that means I am not defending him. That is making me some thing she can attack. Pathetic.
She is not reading and imposing ridiculous statements and positions on me. Pathetic.
Rape is hideous. Our knowledge is a from a rape crisis counselor. She failed. She wants to make this a fasict place and degrade others who have different opinions or beliefs than her. Toxic and disgusting behavior. This should be a place for all opinions and not “see it as rape or be a rape apologist” BS.
This has never been a pov vs pov. It is fight against their toxic behavior and make others different from them wrong. The true story pov is it is not rape. It is not an opinion. They can have the pov but stop forcing that pov and degrading others who have a different pov. How sad it is not being able to accept others opinions or povs that you have to mock and lie about them. The gaslighting and foolish ad hominems on this one is astounding. They are not standing against rape. They are forcing their pov on us and trying to make themselves right.
Ad hominens. = no arguments as they have lost. They are the one defending their false narrative and biases.
Sexual coercion is when a person pressures, tricks, threatens or manipulates someone into having sex. It is a type of sexual assault because even if someone says yes, they are not giving their consent freely.
if you look at the examples of sexual coercion only one is considered rape.
I will stand with facts and definitions not their fake narrative.
So im on like chapter 40-something, and I know translation can be very difficult, but I truly can't understand what's happening at all. This is no shade or anything to the person who uploaded and translated at all, but it's getting a bit frustrating trying to piece together what exactly is going on. Do the translation become more accurate past chapter 44? I'd just really would like to know before I put this down and just wait for more official translations ;-;
2 chaps in and...im so disappointed :(