I had to put my phone down and wait for a few more chapters once I saw that preview of what’s to come. I can’t deal with that second hand stress rn
Idk what y’all talking about lmaoaoa I’m kinda fucking with the story. I reminds me of my wattpad days LMAOAOAO
He’s such a fucking liar and so creepy rn idk how y’all are simping for Ian
Immediately no immediatelyyyyyyy no. He said he’s fucking 13 and I do NOT like the way she was like “a boy” oh god no
Aww man it seemed good but if it’s reverse harem I’m dropping
Can we get a mass upload as an early thanksgiving gift!? PLEASE
He’s such an asshole tho, why would be throw something like that out there to that poor man
I’m so glad she’s not another blind fl and she sees through his bullshit
Im taken so aback finding out they’re 15. I assumed they were like 17-18
Oh wow so the original was a real psychopath. Why do I feel like the grandmother may have killed or got rid of her cause it feels like she’s knows without a doubt the real one isn’t coming back and maybe the reason her health got so bad is the guilt of having killed her own flesh and blood or something like that
Honestly i do not care for you guys saying “ you have to remember the time period” blah blah blah. Just because something wasn’t outright shamed doesn’t make it right. If he doesn’t change that killing of the animals and marries and takes her as his mistress I’m dropping this. Whether something is normal or not doesn’t make it right and I quite frankly don’t really care and I’ll talk shit about it all I want just like they won’t change the story to favor what I want
Ok so it makes sense why he turns out the way people say in the spoilers. I never see why people have everything feel the need to continue belittling someone who already has nothing, like is if fun to continue punching someone while they’re already knocked out
Her brother is such a fucking weirdo. I’m on edge thinking he’s gonna assault her at any moment
What a piece of shit. I never understand how older women feel the need to bully literal children. Like she most likely had her background checked out, like are you that mad she doesn’t need money and she’s still smarter then your stupid ass son