ok in the beginning i was team cain (lowkey still am) and i never once a team yahwi (for obvious reasons that he's a d*ck who does whatever he pleases. he leaves, comes back, and f*ck jooin --- like the player he is.) but recently cain admitted that he lied abt smthng and that made me hesitant on staying on team cain. But right now, i still love cain coz he's a baby and must protecc and im still ticked off of yahwi. This is just my stand, dont come at me xD

i know team yahwi's gonna win at the end but i look AT CAIN, i know, i know, he might be a yandere/psychopath/manipulative but yahwi aint any better since he's got this on and off switch whenever he decides to fook jooin or not... just throwing it in there. At least cain is seen as someone sure of jooin.
GREAT. THIS IS GREAT. ESPECIALLY IF YOU PREFER A FEMALE DOMINANT. i love it. I need more of these kind (/TДT)/ i mean there's little to no plot BUT IT'S THE SPICE THAT MADE IT WORTH READING. it's so short, leaving me wanting for more, but trust me if you're a female dominant, this would just spark a flame in you (▰˘◡˘▰)