(Like, literally! I laughed so hard and triggered an asthma attack! God bless inhalers! ╥﹏╥) .... But I just fucking can't anymore! Dowon is too friggin' hilariously stupid and crazy!(≧∀≦) I laughed from start to fucking finished... And the laughter only got worse the next 4 times I reread this! .... And then I read the comments and died again!(≧∀≦)

..... She's one of those "boy mom's with an unhealthy and possessive attachment to her son. She will see anyone/thing (especially female) that her son focuses on as a threat, because she wants to be the primary being in his life. In her sick and twisted mind, the mc girl is stealing her shine- when we all know that mc would rather be unbothered and invisible cuz she hates attention.
There's a special psychiatric ward in hell for bitches like this. (︶︿︶)=凸
As a demon from hell, I don't think lux is supposed to be near religious places/events. It looks like he's reverting back to his original demon form during a "holy" ceremony of matrimony.
That would only be the case if the couple had held the wedding at a church, which they didn't. Also, there hasn't been any reference to the relationship between demons and religion in this world.