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Boys Love List(200) 2015-08-18 0
Re-reads(109) 2021-11-26 0
Shoujo List(200) 2015-10-18 0
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BadAllDay's topics ( All 61 )

BadAllDay July 24, 2021 4:06 pm

Thanks for uploading the official version in good quality!

BadAllDay July 17, 2021 5:42 am

Thank youuuu!!! <3

BadAllDay's questions ( All 8 )

BadAllDay May 1, 2021 2:43 am

Does anyone know this manhwa?
The brown-haired uke starts to work in some sort of coffee shop and the black-haired guy he meets there is the owner of the place and his boss (seme). The uke and the boss have some sort of discussion and for some reason, the uke ends up sleeping in the boss' place, which is in the same building as the coffee shop. I think at the end of the chapter they do it or the boss touches him everywhere.

BadAllDay December 16, 2020 4:24 am

I only remember a glimpse of the last chapter. Anyone knows the name?

The uke is a dark-haired guy who is drinking at a bar, suddenly a guy starts trying to pick him up and that's when the seme appears. The seme is blond and very nice. After that, they end up doing it at a hotel, I think. Ah, the uke uses an earring the seme gifted him.

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