I'm a middle eastern Muslim, and this was so great!!! Even though the story lacked character development and needed some polishing, I was surprised they incorporated him praying. I did a dance, that's the first time I've seen it. That was definitely a nice change. Also Arabia isn't a language, they should have said Arabic, was really hoping they would imcorporate some Arabic!! Also people calm yourself, this is not even offensive.
After reading this all, I still believe mutsumi asumi is good for her. He liked her as a friend before she ever got skinny, and the fact that he's fallen in love with her is gold. He was interested in the stuff she likes, and took pleasure in her company. I'm not going to lie, but I'll be upset if she doesnt end up with him.
You can tell Azusa does protect what's precious to him, for intances him taking care of his mom and telling her to be careful. He does care, it's just he's lived a life where he's seen someone close being abused and controlled. That probably is one of biggest influence on his personality, and the fact that no one cares about you if your in lower position. So his personality is composed of being selfish, and using other to get on top. You can't help but feel like he just needs someone to hold on to him, to support him- but he ended up karino. This could actually break him, and I am interested to see their development togather. Though I can't help but feel protective of Azusa from harm
Unless Karino changes they are doomed. As a broken and cynical person he needs someone who helps him rise up again not someone who confirms his beliefs. If he doesn't change and develop as you say this will have a sad/inconclusive ending.
I'm still not over Akihito giving Sakazaki a blow job, this is going to be a ticking time bomb
agreed. I can't take Takaba seriously at all. Anything and everything he said in this chapter will mean nothing if he can't fess up to Asami. I feel like he's just playing with Asami now. he knows what the hell he did with Sakazaki. He's no better than any other person who goes behind asami's back. I feel bad for Asami, I really do. The one person he trust turns out to be like the other people who're after him. Asami really trust Aki, Aki needs to tell him what he did with Sakazaki.
Takaba didn't even suck off Sakazaki for a good reason either...he just wanted to get info.
Asami needs to find out.
I don't know, as much as it makes me feel bad for Asami, I think both are bad boys aha. They have their own faults, one rapes boys he finds cute, deals with drug businesses and kill people when he feels like it, the other one is more or less willing to suck off one guy's dick for info when he his pressured to (though not forced, but he did have make a choice quickly).
He ended up thinking he couldn't let pass his chance to find info to help Asami/save the girl, and that he could just get it done quickly and forget about it. The whole time he felt bad and angry about Sakazaki badmouthing Asami and wanted to throw up because of it, he also bit his dick lol. Then he just felt humiliated (that's what he actually says in my copy) and said he didn't want to experience that again.
Now I'm not sure why he isn't thinking too much about it right now. Maybe in the future chapters it'll come to bother him. He's tormented about a lot of other things right now and came to temporarily forget about it I guess.
At least that's just what I think about it :X
Who is sakazaki? (I havent read this manga in a long time and don't remember all the names, hehe)
I know right. I hate to think what's Asami'sgoing to do.