as much as i dont like mr han,, param doesnt owe hwi anything and idc if u guys r disappointed hes an adult and he can do whatever he wants lol stop slut shaming him

I agree. People are just upset bc they don't like Han. But Param is his own, SINGLE, person and can do what he wants. People get upset when things don't go their way and then they automatically dislike Param because of it :/ do I like Han? No. But I'm not gonna shut shame param bc he literally hasn't done anything wrong at this point...
why r u guys insulting her ...
It so obvious that she's trying to hit on him
Yeah but she didn't know that he's in a relationship.
like come on who will not hit on him?
Well first of all that girl is getting death threaths right???but it seems to me that shes not really worried or nervous for her life instead shes flirting??if it where me in that situation one hot body guard is not enough and be so anxious
I think it's not her that getting threatened but the (star that she work for the girl with brown hair)
There the same person,Min jay has brown hair you could see that there only one min jay but the lighting changes her hair shade
uhm different ppl deal with stuff differently, and what does her being anxious have anything to do with her flirting. yes anyone would be worried, but it’s not like she would just hurled up at the corner shaking and not do anything else lmfao
Well i didn't say she would be "hurled up in a corner" but even strogest people would atleast treamble having there life in danger and she did she hired a body guard but why does she have to "flirt" with his bodyguard when they should be having a professional relationship cause she is literally having her life threaten and ofcourse being anxious has something to do with her flirting i mean cmon being nervous and still flirting???what does the girl have something better thing to do shes a celebrity ( ̄へ ̄)
she can do whatever she wants shes grown and she didnt even know he was in a relationship.. doin too much by calling her a whore LOOOOOL
lol no one said she's a whore... And Weren't you the ONE who's asking why they've been insulating her lmao she/he was just answering Ur question
i asked why meaning i want a valid reason. scroll down the comments not thag hard,,, the slut shaming in here is gross lol
If you dont like it then ignore it,easy and just because u said something it won't change other peoples opinion
Its not like this is your first time reading a manhwa its normal to hate or love a character whos flirting with the ML
i dont see what the problem is, i mean if it’s a love story between a bodyguard and their client. you probably wouldnt complain about them flirting, or one trying to hit on another person. just bcs she’s nervous or worried does not mean she cant talk or flirt to ease up her worries a little bit
Look it here buster i didn't say "she cant talk or shit" i said keep it professional and ofcourse if i read a "love story between a bodyguard and their client"i would not mind it why!?its the fucking plot and the main characters didn't just "o r u single r u dating anyone" why because its fucking ackward imagine u just hired some stranger and flirt with him the very first day is that what u do!?
u didnt like her and u didnt ignore it??? so wheres the logic u preach?
U have a point there but since u just had to open ur mouth then might as well right?
bro wat i never hated on anyone if u actually took the time to read the comments theres people calling her a slut and a whore... u goin in a lil too hard to defend them when the girl only hit on him without knowing he was ina relationship. good for u tho
Well i didn't say you "hated" anyone and ofcourse i read the comments,urs standed out at first i was just gonna ignore it but then i was intrigued but hey i never said i didn't like the girl i just didn't like the way she flirted with her bodyguard and fyi im actually really fond of that girl she sooo cute in the latest chapter(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜