Idk if ya'll remember but they don't take showers they bathe, and from whats given and known they don't really scrub either soo....... they're both musty in their own ways.

Not only they don’t take showers, they also don’t bathe. That’s why perfume was even created— to mask the bad smell. And people used to throw their poop and pee out the window and on the streets. Like they washed maybe thrice in their lives (I’m basing myself mainly off Europe, some states in the world too hygiene really seriously for centuries)? Even less so in cold states. In Canada for example they would wear the same exact full body underclothes during all winter (like 6 months of the year) with a small pocket to poop, pee, and have sex. That wasn’t even during Middle Ages, just like three centuries ago oof.

Personally I like this manga because we get to see Ingrid and her husband slowly fall in love, not the instant locks eye and fall in love type of stuff. I like the hardships they go through, and how it portrays real life because of miscommunication. Its not a perfect story and that's what make it great.

So what if Anastacius died as a little kid when he had seen the black smoke, it killed him or took over. And all along it's never been Anastacius but the previous little kid the magician had rejected? Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

HE ISSSS!! Hes a big fan of lucas. As in A BIG FAN. But since lucas rejected him, he tried to learn black magic to get his attention but he still never got his attention until the brother of claude (which is the reincarnation of the first prince) started doing all those shit agaisnt claude and actually getting lucas' attention so he continued doing more shit JUST FOR LUCAS' ATTENTION!! (Thats what happened in the novel but the manhwa is not the same as the novel so idk at this point if thats what will happen)

So the reason the prince treated Aristia horribly was because he was being controlled by the aristocrats!?

You know what's interesting and that wouldn't surprise me. if Jian Jun whatever how you spell her name is. What if she is was actually from this time, but somehow got transported to a different time. And she was actually part of the aristocrats. And somehow she and The Aristocrats manipulated our MC fate. And that's why the MC Didn't get her rightful Happy ending.
Is it just me or was there a raw panel??!!