It's nice they adopted the horse after the prince got scared off. Poor horse got scared.
I've never read Keeper of the Pearl but it's still a really cool looking dildo.
Anne and Bluebell is a new couple shipping I didn't know I needed but I'm rooting for it!
Thank you for fixing picture with Isacc instead of piece of shit husband.
Oh please it made Isaac(?) look ugly like why did they put my sexy ass cinnamon roll on THAT man whores body its honestly disgusting Isaac doesn't deserve that
Damn! He also got stuck with resting bitch face.
Awwww baby jooin is so cute! I also like that they give him a rainbow umbrella!
Does anyone else think this plot is kinda similar to Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet?
I think the pink girl might try and murder him at some point in the story.
Omg! 15 acting like a real boyfriend and it is so cute.
It's nice they adopted the horse after the prince got scared off. Poor horse got scared.