Celestia June 10, 2021 7:14 pm

Y'all I have the biggest crush on Arias mom I swear she makes me heart smile everytime she's on screen you would never think she had such a hard life before marrying this man and she loves her daughter plzzzzz like if she ever smiled at me I'd drop dead

Celestia June 6, 2021 7:58 pm

Before I even start reading this at all is the guy that has killed her over and over again the male lead? Because if he is I'm not even going to start reading it but just by looking at the comments the female lead seems dumb as fuck anyways so I might not read it at all

    hyeji June 6, 2021 8:02 pm

    yeah castor is the main lead and was the one who kept killing her

    Lucy Pandora June 6, 2021 8:07 pm
    yeah castor is the main lead and was the one who kept killing her hyeji

    Aren't they siblings?

    Celestia June 6, 2021 8:09 pm
    yeah castor is the main lead and was the one who kept killing her hyeji

    Are you fr? You gotta be pulling my leg it has revenge in the tags why would it have revenge in the tags if she ends up falling in love with him?! I hate when authors go "oh let me make my main character fall in love with a guy that kept killing her over and over again my raiders are going to love that I'm such a great writer" I really hope you're kidding

    Celestia June 6, 2021 8:10 pm
    Aren't they siblings? Lucy Pandora

    Wait what-

    Ayy Fargoo June 7, 2021 6:16 am
    yeah castor is the main lead and was the one who kept killing her hyeji

    He isn't the ML

    hyeji June 7, 2021 6:52 am
    He isn't the ML Ayy Fargoo

    the answer is vague in the spoilers i read, some kept saying castor is the ml or the 4th prince but a lot are leaning that castor is the ml

    Ayy Fargoo June 8, 2021 12:56 am
    the answer is vague in the spoilers i read, some kept saying castor is the ml or the 4th prince but a lot are leaning that castor is the ml hyeji

    Someone link a few blog reviews and most have said Amor is the ML

    hyeji June 8, 2021 5:46 am
    Someone link a few blog reviews and most have said Amor is the ML Ayy Fargoo

    well i hope he is as this manhwa is really dark, the mc is going to die a lot of times in manhwa as that what happened in the novel

    Celestia June 8, 2021 1:02 pm
    well i hope he is as this manhwa is really dark, the mc is going to die a lot of times in manhwa as that what happened in the novel hyeji

    OH- you're all types of fucked up aren't you

    hyeji June 8, 2021 7:50 pm
    OH- you're all types of fucked up aren't you Celestia

    SDKDFSJHDF the novel is really dark tho, someone commented that the manhwa is too fast as the mc pretending to be a maid is in chapter 15-20 I think??? in the novel up to chapter 38 the mc will continuously die and everything is just dark

Celestia May 25, 2021 2:09 am

I finally caught up with all the chapters and the beginning really pissed me off because of the way she died like all of these people love her and rely on her and she just tried to leave them with a simple goodbye letter she was perfectly capable of going to each and every one of them or getting them all together and talking to them not just sending them a simple letter then going and trying to just die so many people don't have the opportunity to say goodbye to their loved ones but she did!! Like Dan couldn't even sleep without her and the elf girl lost her memories trying to reverse time to bring her back and her fifth disciple got involved with the demon,I'm guessing, to try and bring her back it's like she's so oblivious to how much they care about her and love her and it's really frustrating like now she's trying to fix it after 8 years because she wanted to live a normal life and try to find love? First of all your love is right there with Jeffrey so I don't know where you're trying to look girl apparently that one good eye ain't that good but anyways like if it was me I would immediately go and find them again I wouldn't just go try to live my life letting the little babies that I raised think that I was dead like she's responsible but at the same time she's not she is now she's trying to find them again and fix everything but for the most part like through those 8 years no like you raise them you taught them everything they know then you just want to leave?? That ain't right

I'M NOT SAYING SHE DIDN'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO JUST GO AND DIE THOUGH SO DON'T MISINTERPRET WHAT I SAID she raised them so perfectly and took them in especially Dan and the emperor when nobody else would but she was like 122 years old she was tired I get that I would be too at that age and she had every right to just go to finally rest but what I'm angry about is the way she did it as I've already stated she could have went to them one-on-one and talk to them or get them all together and talk to them but instead she just disappeared out of their lives with a note for 8 years and expected them to be okay? Nopeee

But speaking on that note they completely overreacted like I get it they loved her but at the same time they're obsessed like besides her first disciple and fourth disciple the other three went completely loco which is just ridiculous but I would have too for the most part anyway if she just gave me a note out of thon air and expected me to be like "oh she's dead moving on I guess" but it's to be expected when you raise them and have them rely on you from babies especially the 1st, 3rd, and 5th disciple the first one had been with her all his life so you know he grew up old with her but the other two have always had her there so when she just died they didn't know what to do and it's really genuinely sad like with Dan I was crying so hard I could never willingly leave him like no one else wanted that poor baby

Celestia May 25, 2021 1:52 am

I wish Charlotte would just love Jeffrey already cuz this man does everything for her!! he even put a slave contract on himself for her because when she dies he wants to die with her like what more could you want I swear she is so oblivious GIVE THIS MAN THE AFFECTION HE DESERVES!!

Celestia May 21, 2021 7:10 pm

Sorry I don't believe play boys can change (if that's really the case that is) it's the same with all the Disney Princess movies for me like yeah they have a happy ending at the end of the story but what happens after the happy ending? I feel like he'd be a cheater or flirtatious towards other women and ntm all of her traumatic experiences in her past life that she remembers and the ghost like unless you got an exhibition kink the ghost just going to be watching you and if she doesn't know their name WELLLL also I ship her with the ghost guy OH AND WHAT IF THE OTHER PRINCE ISN'T SICK BUT HE'S DEAD AND THAT GUY THAT SHE MEETS IN THE BEGINNING IS ACTUALLY THE OTHER PRINCE BECAUSE HE RADIATES PRINCE ENERGY AND IT WOULD EXPLAIN WHY HE KNOWS THE NAMES OF EVERYBODY IN THE CASTLE OR WHAT IF HE HAS A SIMILAR POWER AND WHERE HE'S NOT SICK BUT THEY'RE JUST HIDING HIM FROM EVERYONE AND HE CAN DO THAT SOUL LEAVING THE BODY THING IT'S INTERESTING SINCE YOU KNOW THERE ARE SORCERERS AND DIFFERENT POWERS HERE but I'm probably making his plot a lot more interesting than it actually is

    Celestia May 21, 2021 7:12 pm

    Also the story feels hella confusing like as I'm reading it I'm confused but I also understand everything that's happening and I can't explain it any better than that but it really made me want to drop it in the beginning and I'm still iffy if I'll even keep reading it honestly but I really love our mc but everybody else is just not that good

Celestia May 21, 2021 12:21 am

I was a bit worried that he was going to be a complete airhead the whole time but that's not the case which is nice ALSO I WANT THE ROCK SNAKES ESPECIALLY THE BABIES THEY ARE SO CUTE

    Neya Sequiela May 21, 2021 1:46 pm

    The rock serpent or giant snake reminds me of the cutie snake in the manhwa called the Golden Haired Wizard

    Tikky May 27, 2021 12:15 am
    The rock serpent or giant snake reminds me of the cutie snake in the manhwa called the Golden Haired Wizard Neya Sequiela

    That's some ... really straigh forward name for a story.

    Neya Sequiela May 27, 2021 2:43 am
    That's some ... really straigh forward name for a story. Tikky

    Ikr ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Celestia May 17, 2021 8:36 pm

I feel like I understand why Iris did what she did even if she was saying she didn't care about them I feel like she really loved all of them but I also feel like she saw something in the future (our current time rn in the story) and if that's the case she saw him being reborn and being free and be able to be strong enough to take down the demigods also more strong people and not just them fighting on their own maybe she saw multiple different futures and this was the only one with the solution which is why I think she said she was carrying out his dream of defeating the demigods she's been alive for 4000 years I know that killing Lucas's best friend weighs heavy on her I don't think she's bad she just had to make the hard choice to get the future that needed to happen especially since she's acting out of her own free will and it really makes me wonder if that is the case BUT IF IT'S NOT (which I highly doubt) fuck Iris Ong BURN THE WITCH

    beesea May 20, 2021 3:35 pm

    why do i have the feeling Isabelle is iris..

    Celestia May 20, 2021 4:06 pm
    why do i have the feeling Isabelle is iris.. beesea

    Okay wait this actually sounds like a good theory! But if that's the case it makes me wonder if she lost her memories or I don't even know if she can do disguises actually but I'm guessing she can and maybe that's why she felt such a close connection with him as soon as she saw him? But at the same time while it is a good theory I don't know if I can get fully behind it cuz there's some things that Isabel does that I'm like Iris wouldn't do she seems more of the serious type and why Isabella can get serious it's not the same I guess about to be completely honest as the whole point of the skies but we have got her perspective sometimes and it never really made it seem like she wasn't who she said she was I always thought Iris was that one teacher XD cause they look so alike

    eight May 31, 2021 6:37 pm
    why do i have the feeling Isabelle is iris.. beesea

    nope she isnt hehe

Celestia May 17, 2021 7:51 pm

Wait so is the ml going to be good in this one? Because I love him already and if he turns out to be an asshole I'm going to be really mad

    vanessa :P May 23, 2021 12:20 pm

    yea i’m pretty sure he’s a decent guy

Celestia May 17, 2021 7:41 pm


Celestia May 15, 2021 5:29 pm

It was seriously so frustrating how he kept saying no like I really dislike when characters don't put themselves first like I understand being modest but after he told him that it wasn't going to be his Force control that he was going to teach him he should have accepted it not yell at them telling them he didn't want it like that felt completely unreasonable to me like they're doing everything they can to help you and you're just going to reject it like I get where he's coming from but at the same time it didn't feel right to act like that after he told him it wasn't his force control he was going to teach him like he's trying to put everybody before himself right but by doing that it's hurting everyone because they all care so much about him and he's not thinking about how sad they're all going to be if he couldn't use his powers anymore

    Nini May 15, 2021 5:37 pm

    because jiwoo is different from us XD that's why kayden and everyone loves him, he is selfless and definitely not selfish :)))))

    Celestia May 15, 2021 6:06 pm
    because jiwoo is different from us XD that's why kayden and everyone loves him, he is selfless and definitely not selfish :))))) Nini

    Who said he was selfish? If anything he's too selfless to the point he doesn't feel real which is what you said ("He's not like the rest of us" which was just rude to say anyway)but him being like this once again doesn't make him feel real it makes him feel like a fake character I love everyone else they all feel real and alive but not him but anyways in a way he's being selfish while trying to be selfless it feels like he doesn't get how much this would hurt all of them if he doesn't get healed but at the same time he doesn't want Kayden to give his force control away BUT since he isn't I don't know why he said no and not only no but he also yelled at them?? It's dumb but all of you guys like his character but won't see the faults as well (tho the story as a whole has faults but I still like and read it)

    Fonnie May 15, 2021 6:38 pm
    Who said he was selfish? If anything he's too selfless to the point he doesn't feel real which is what you said ("He's not like the rest of us" which was just rude to say anyway)but him being like this once ag... Celestia

    well to be fair he didnt know what the deal was .. so he might have thought it was gonna be something as important as his fist deal, which is why he was rejecting it. we already know how he feels about putting kayden in danger thinking that he is the reason. he just wanna protect his master and his skills as best as he could

    Celestia May 15, 2021 7:11 pm
    well to be fair he didnt know what the deal was .. so he might have thought it was gonna be something as important as his fist deal, which is why he was rejecting it. we already know how he feels about putting ... Fonnie

    Then he could have asked what it was << but instead he freaked out then passed out

    Nini May 15, 2021 7:20 pm
    Who said he was selfish? If anything he's too selfless to the point he doesn't feel real which is what you said ("He's not like the rest of us" which was just rude to say anyway)but him being like this once ag... Celestia

    no one said he's selfish, it's just that his character is build up that way, too kind, pure and innocent blaaah blah, but here's the point, Im sorry in advance that I might not deliver this clearly but,
    Jiwoo thought as long as his alive and well, villains would do anything to harm kayden by using him as bait, knowing that Jiwoo is Kayden's only weakness now, yes? and the fact that kayden's kinda malfunctioning right now(still overpowered tho-,-) makes Jiwoo think that way, anyways he's refusing the treatment for Kayden's sake sooo let's just give more love to Jiwoo XD

    Celestia May 15, 2021 7:26 pm
    no one said he's selfish, it's just that his character is build up that way, too kind, pure and innocent blaaah blah, but here's the point, Im sorry in advance that I might not deliver this clearly but, Jiwoo t... Nini

    Wha- I get what you're saying but villains will come for him for as long as he's still alive so I think he should think about how he can not only protect himself but Kayden's Force control as well not just trying to live his life without a core completely defenseless constantly needing protection??

    avocadough May 15, 2021 8:19 pm
    Then he could have asked what it was << but instead he freaked out then passed out Celestia

    Kayden couldnt really tell him what it was because if curtin knew it was actually a useless technique, curtin wouldn't want to heal jiwoo for that deal. Jiwoo passed out because he was suffering from afterschocks AND kayden was the one who made him pass out. Even if jiwoo asked, kayden couldnt really say it's okay cause it's a useless technique

    Celestia May 15, 2021 8:43 pm
    Kayden couldnt really tell him what it was because if curtin knew it was actually a useless technique, curtin wouldn't want to heal jiwoo for that deal. Jiwoo passed out because he was suffering from afterschoc... avocadough

    Kayden COULD tell him what it was ._. so he wouldn't be stressed over it and ntm Curtain was the one who decided he wanted that over the force control even if it does turn out to be a "useless technique" he still wanted it over that so that's on him

    And yeah he still passed out tho

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