I hope it's a bit more gentle than that the first time y'all I got scared when he just flipped him over I need a confession under the moon next chapter please!!

Genuinely what the hell are you talking about you're literally saying his arms belonged to a black dude when ain't no black person's skin tone look like that, wondered if he had a "black dick" too, then you used the excuse that there are no black ppl in your area. Like bro this IS racist, idek where the red hand part is coming from intentionally or unintentionally what you're saying is racist dawg

Love seeing him begging on his knees crying I do like him better over the Duke this season but it's like that whole "yeah I chose to ask your sister to marry me instead and fucked her too" never happened and it irks me honestly that wholeeee plot in the first season was stupid anyway and made no sense but we can't just scrap it now I do think it that hadn't happened everyone would prefer Mason over the Duke cause the Duke SUCKS

Good riddance fr but she's been there the whole time that's so dumb I feel like season 1 should have been the end of this story cause what is going onnnn

i can’t help but agree it feels like it’s just dragging on atp - yes there are things left unsolved yet but i don’t know if it’s something about the world building itself, but it feels like they only keep piling up problems either the story is gonna piss me off so bad at the end or i’ll be amazed by an amazing twist
Crow boy is so yummy when did this turn into an amusement park? I wanna ride everything!