Any bl recommendations which made you cry/would possibly make me cry? Doesn't need to be sad in specific, just anything emotional. Thank you in advance ^^

best one you'll ever read

Try this lissst

To all you people who like BL, do you prefer stories without R18/smutty scenes, or stories with them?
I personally prefer shounen ai, though I don't mind the sex scenes.

I’m about the same. A story that completely revolves around the characters having sex tends to get boring for me pretty quickly so I try to find very plot heavy stories. Most plot heavy stories tend to be shounen ai so I usually end up looking on those tags to find something worth reading. Not saying I hate sex/smut scenes but they can get really repetitive if the author isn’t...great at them. It’s pretty funny though cuz when I first started reading BL I almost exclusively read smut, but as I’ve gone further into the genre I’ve been able to drift away from that.

it all depends on the story tbh, i've read both extremes and have liked them. I'm a huge fan of the K-sensei series which is mostly smut, but also have enjoyed stories where there are no sex scenes at all (cherry blossoms before they started getting intimate). I usually prefer there to be some r-18 scenes, though, and find myself wishing there were some after reading a shounen ai.

i'm mostly a yaoi kinda guy because i'm all about the darkness and twisted characters. Shounen ai is more fluffy and cute and is not as messed up as some yaoi . I do sometimes read shounen ai if it's angsty or sad like never understand. You won't really find shounen ai like killing stalking, obey me , painter of the night or an easy target which are some of my favourites and very messed up.
Is there any way to look for mangas using tags? I think there is, but I don't remember how.
yeah just use this link