Lady Omega January 25, 2021 6:42 pm

Im sorry but all the bad comments on here about Dojin and HyeSeong are just Immature, toxic and lacking in knowledge in relationships. i mean come on if you were married or in a serious relationship with someone would you want your spouse or lover to be checking out other people and add that right in front of you. and telling yalls child that person sure was pretty. uh i understand Dojin for being the way he is. As for HyeSeong he has always like Omegas over Alphas and never got to pursue what he originally wanted, he's a Alpha at heart even tho he's a Omega( he loves him some omegas) He cant cheat because he's physically and soulfully bonded to Dojin. which makes him have a wondering eye. Dojin and HyeSeong are the best part of this manhwa and the 3rd couple because its not fluffy and more real. People in the comment section are sour because this manhwa is not all fluffy fluffy. lol

    xielian_inlove January 25, 2021 6:46 pm

    what's immature and mor*nic is excusing dojin r*ping hyesung for the porn HE put on his laptop, and then getting mad at those "bad" comments bc you don't agree with them lol. like hello, logic, where are you?

    lkzmm January 25, 2021 6:54 pm

    First of all Hyesung was literally manipulated into this entire relationship and childbirth. Second of all, even if you dont want your spouse looking other people's way (and i honestly see nothing wrong with it, how is admiring other people's beauty cheating in any shape or form, it's just possessive and unhealthy) you just have to TALK ABOUT IT. Communicate, tell the other party that you dont like it that it makes you insecure instead of pulling childish tricks like this and RAPING them. What the fuck is wrong with you justifying Dojin's behaviour ffs

    Marshmallow January 25, 2021 6:55 pm

    Its not wrong to be angry of your partner like that, i was very angry too, my bf also like that before, and we sit down and have a talk about it, he apologise and he change since then.
    The point is, dojin is not wrong to be angry, but the way he express it is totally wrong, this whole raping thing and trap him like that is totally wrong.

    stan bts January 25, 2021 6:58 pm
    what's immature and mor*nic is excusing dojin r*ping hyesung for the porn HE put on his laptop, and then getting mad at those "bad" comments bc you don't agree with them lol. like hello, logic, where are you? xielian_inlove

    why did you censor moronic bruv

    lkzmm January 25, 2021 6:58 pm
    Its not wrong to be angry of your partner like that, i was very angry too, my bf also like that before, and we sit down and have a talk about it, he apologise and he change since then.The point is, dojin is not... Marshmallow

    EXACTLY. You have to TELL your partner if something makes you uncomfortable and work on ways to solve the problem rather than just having angry sex every time??? It'll just get worse every passing day like that

    xielian_inlove January 25, 2021 7:00 pm
    why did you censor moronic bruv stan bts

    i censored the word out of habit.

    sweety1997 January 25, 2021 7:10 pm

    no one is just have a warped way of seeing things...dunno how you grew up and what ind of fucked up relationships you had, but as a psychology student, this is textbook toxic is a "light" version, because it has not all the insanity and all....but it is not a "healthy" is one though, were the uke makes the best out of it all and is very mature in that and tries to get along well with that seme who actually destroyed his life....gosh.... i understand why some would think this is normal, as many old couples are like this so people are told "it is normal", and "one has to be mature and work out together" blah blah......gosh....these two need couple theraphy with a real good psychologist to work out the shit that if seen rationally, will bundle up with time and wreck them....

    sweety1997 January 25, 2021 7:13 pm
    no one is just have a warped way of seeing things...dunno how you grew up and what ind of fucked up relationships you had, but as a psychology student, this is textbook toxic ... sweety1997

    and contrary to your misguided judgment, the two other couples are fairly good ones. the second one is very healthy, as both communicate and never disrespected the others wishes and words and boundaries and always respect each other as individuals. the third one is fearly new and had a bumpy start, which is normal as both are insecure and young, but they also COMMUNICATE and talk and are developing one is bulldozing into the others everything without even asking or listening like the seme from the first couple who just fucking yeeted into the ukes life and even forcefully impregnated him during one of the many rapes they had.....

    Lady Omega January 25, 2021 7:22 pm

    I'm not (justifying no one's behavior) like said this Manhwa not a fluffy one. and is simply stating why its good for that reason. if feel so strongly why are you even reading this Manhwa??? go to one that's more suited to your taste.

    sweety1997 January 25, 2021 7:22 pm

    and humans can feel attracted to others, even those who are characteristically very loyal and monogamic. the most healthy couples we see are both best friends and lovers of each other. literal LIFE PARTNERS. they know everything about the other, even the most darkest sides and even though they don't like verything about the other, the parts they love are what they cherish and the ones they don't like are the "spice" to their lives together. one learns to work with th other and balance each other out. and love is an active word. which means you actively have to LOVE someone to keep loving them. healthy couples that look like those in fairy tailes, even talk about people they find attractive and joke. like friends. the ones i know, who really have an amazing magical chemistry you could almost "grasp" physically, really joke like "wow, look at her butt, it's amazing"..."yeah right, i think so, too. but did you see her legs! wow"....yes, they talk like and women....a couple together since a decade and still in love like the first day....just deeper....being attracted by a humans superficial or what does not mean you WANT means you just are aware of their appearance being beautiful....there is a difference between "looking" and "touching" ya know....hyesung only ever looked and openly admired other omegas beauty....never did he pursue or flirt with them.....even though he has every right to divorce that guy....he is very are immature for thinking that a HUMAN with EYES is not allowed to admire beauty, just because they are "engaged" childish hahaha

    sweety1997 January 25, 2021 7:26 pm
    I'm not (justifying no one's behavior) like said this Manhwa not a fluffy one. and is simply stating why its good for that reason. if feel so strongly why are you even reading this Manhwa??? go to one that's mo... Lady Omega

    because i can....pfft...and as i said...i love the other couples...that is why i read this....just because i dislike certain aspects of something, does it mean i cannot enjoy other parts of it? again....very you leave a restaurant, just cause they serve one dish you hate, even though they have 3 others that are famous and to your taste? the heck is with people being always on guard, just because people point out their opinion on some negative aspects of some old are you? a 13 year old kid that is a first time huge fan and cannot handle others not liking everything they like? pfft

    Lady Omega January 25, 2021 7:51 pm
    because i can....pfft...and as i said...i love the other couples...that is why i read this....just because i dislike certain aspects of something, does it mean i cannot enjoy other parts of it? again....very im... sweety1997

    (how old are you? a 13 year old kid that is a first time huge fan and cannot handle others not liking everything they like?) should I say the same for you, isnt that why your replying? your salty at my comment. (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Aries January 25, 2021 8:10 pm

    Lady Omega I agree with you! Sheesh!!! Every time someone defends the main couple they get booted down. so annoying

    sweety1997 January 25, 2021 8:13 pm

    no i am not salty. not at all. i am concerned on the other hand though. because you romanticise a relationship that to an adult over 21 (latest) should be obviously toxic....but you did not see it and even said others who don't think they are a good couple, even so far as saying better than the other two, are immature and know nothing about real relationships, was real concerning....made my inner sherlock go DING ya know....wondering if you are a toxic partner yourself, have a toxic partner or came from a family of toxic people....

    Lady Omega January 25, 2021 8:23 pm
    Lady Omega I agree with you! Sheesh!!! Every time someone defends the main couple they get booted down. so annoying Aries

    HAHA! Right. This happened to others comments I've read.

    Aries January 25, 2021 8:39 pm
    no i am not salty. not at all. i am concerned on the other hand though. because you romanticise a relationship that to an adult over 21 (latest) should be obviously toxic....but you did not see it and even said... sweety1997

    I didn't read all that in the comment I think things are abeing added here.

    sweety1997 January 25, 2021 8:50 pm
    I didn't read all that in the comment I think things are abeing added here. Aries

    i understand, why you think that. people in today's time forget the original meaning of "romantic"....romance is actually very dark and has nothing to do with healthy love, but with something more also is a word that comes from a period in literacy history i s a definition, so you may understand why i chose those wordings...

    Definition of romanticize

    (roʊmæntɪsaɪz )
    Wordforms: 3rd person singular present tense romanticizes , present participle romanticizing , past tense, past participle romanticized regional note: in BRIT, also use romanticise
    If you romanticize someone or something, you think or talk about them in a way which is not at all realistic and which makes them seem better than they really are.
    He romanticized the past as he became disillusioned with his present. [VERB noun]
    romanticized Adjektiv
    The film takes a highly romanticized view of life on the streets.

    Aries January 25, 2021 10:53 pm
    i understand, why you think that. people in today's time forget the original meaning of "romantic"....romance is actually very dark and has nothing to do with healthy love, but with something more bittersweet..... sweety1997

    Your trying to come off as smart but really coming off as toxic just like the lady was staying in comment about people like you.

Lady Omega January 21, 2021 2:48 am

please contact the uploaders first i can see if months pass and no updates then update we dont want them to get mad and quit.

    yuhbabey January 21, 2021 3:10 am

    wait what? why would they get mad?

    Trinb1012 January 21, 2021 3:41 am
    wait what? why would they get mad? yuhbabey

    It’s quite obvious it takes so long to upload and in their case clean translate and redraw etc. I myself am an uploader and it can take 1-5 hours just for one chapter. It gets really annoying when people upload over you cause you then feel like the hard work you were doing has all gone to waste. Uploaders on this site do it for free and illegally. We take time out of our day and get sleep deprived at times. I try and make my work look as neat as possible and so do they. Some uploaders don’t even try but lots spend their money and some don’t realize how stressful it can be. It’s just rude to stomp on ones work period. They didn’t say they were dropping this and on one of my comments they had replied that they were on the verge of it since all their hard work went to waste since the person who uploaded didn’t take in the consideration of even asking and just uploaded and though people would be happy since they got to read another chapter. The groups hard effort went to waste and they didn’t even get asked if they wanted someone to upload the next chapter. So yes they have the right to be mad and all uploaders who’s work gets uploaded over who clearly uploaded and is going to have that right.

    yuhbabey January 21, 2021 7:12 am
    It’s quite obvious it takes so long to upload and in their case clean translate and redraw etc. I myself am an uploader and it can take 1-5 hours just for one chapter. It gets really annoying when people uplo... Trinb1012

    oh i understand! i didn’t know you could upload over people? how does that work? how would the person even get access.

    yuhbabey January 21, 2021 7:24 am

    (i am new to this website and i am not an uploader myself. sorry if i am being annoying in any way!)

    Trinb1012 January 21, 2021 2:37 pm
    (i am new to this website and i am not an uploader myself. sorry if i am being annoying in any way!) yuhbabey

    It’s ok you can easily upload over someone on this site just by putting in the link to your upload the site doesn’t even question you they then give the update to the readers the next morning

    yuhbabey January 21, 2021 3:09 pm
    It’s ok you can easily upload over someone on this site just by putting in the link to your upload the site doesn’t even question you they then give the update to the readers the next morning Trinb1012


Lady Omega January 19, 2021 5:34 am

if anyone is looking for more omegaverse to read take a look at my list

Lady Omega January 19, 2021 5:30 am

If anyone is looking for more omegaverse to read, take a look at my list

Lady Omega January 17, 2021 10:18 am

if anyone is looking for more omegaverse to read check out my list

Lady Omega January 17, 2021 10:17 am

if anyone is looking for more omegaverse to read check out my list

Lady Omega January 11, 2021 5:00 pm

I'm back again reading this for the 3rd time i just love this manhwa. I just love Dojin.

Lady Omega December 27, 2020 9:35 pm

why and the fuck!!! is this censored and missing. uploader dont do that the readers. give us the whole thing or nothing at all

Lady Omega December 22, 2020 11:48 am

what the difference between this one and the other one. is this the same thing but with sex stuff or different. new reader

    Gotapyon December 22, 2020 11:54 am

    They're just basically the same, except for the smut in this version (that we've all been longing for). Plus, the other one has the back story of them two when they were young, this one didn't explore that part much. There are some parts there that are omitted here, like Wolfgang's coup de tat and killing of the original king - in detail.

    Lady Omega December 22, 2020 12:00 pm
    They're just basically the same, except for the smut in this version (that we've all been longing for). Plus, the other one has the back story of them two when they were young, this one didn't explore that part... Gotapyon

    oh ok, im gonna read both. thanks

Lady Omega December 20, 2020 9:53 pm

can anyone tell me how to upload manga on this site i have a manhwa that is finished and want to upload.

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