Um just want to start a calm discussion ab this
I keep seeing ppl saying that keith has had no character development but if you ask me hes changed quite a bit
I mean a dozen chapters or so ago he was sleeping around and basically using yeonwoo as a sex toy
And now hes mad at yeonwoo for risking both his and his baby’s life to save keith
Hes yelling cuz of his worry and concern for yeonwoo not blaming him for harming the child
Not saying that keith is an angel he still has a lot of room for improvement
I just posted a comment on Keith's "character development," if you wanna go see it, but in my opinion he has had little to no growth. Just because he isn't raping him anymore does not mean he's grown as a person. I think, and I'm not trying to be mean at all, that some people are using "character development," too loosely.
Character development isn't something that happens in one specific scene. It gradually happen then it all come together. THERE IS character development, not only with Keith like how all the comments only care about but with Yeonwoo too. It makes no sense when a terrible selfish character will go and change 180 degrees immediately so you can consider it "character development". In my opinion, these characters aren't that well written so their character development will not be well written too, the plot too.
H-how dare you play without me *pout*