I wanna rea a romance manga bout a high school girl & a fireman
The high school girl is at the roof top while the fireman goes & gets her & the slide down a slide i think
I also wanna read a romance manga bout a high school girl & a police officer
Also high school girl & a novelist in his 30s
Plz help

Found it
Its called
Kore wa Koi no Hanashi
The summary is
After recently moving into his grandmother's house in the countryside, Yukio is bored with everything despite his success as a novelist. That is, until one day, when a young girl with a stray cat appears at his doorstep. A girl with a very tragic look in her eyes...

Found it
Its called
Kore wa Koi no Hanashi
The summary is
After recently moving into his grandmother's house in the countryside, Yukio is bored with everything despite his success as a novelist. That is, until one day, when a young girl with a stray cat appears at his doorstep. A girl with a very tragic look in her eyes...

Im looking for a manga
This is vaguely wat i can remember bout it
Im looking for a josi manga but cant remember much bout it
Its bout a lil girl whos mum died so her dad/grandad took her in she endes by being mistreated by 1 of them
She starts riding hoses, i think she has a sister aswell
In another manga title
When shes all grown up she ends up riding horses in competitions & all sorts
If u ave heard of it
could u possibly let me know what the title is please

Im looking for a josi manga but cant remember much bout it
Its bout a lil girl whos mum died so her dad/grandad took her in she endes by being mistreated by 1 of them
She starts riding hoses, i think she has a sister aswell
In another manga title
When shes all grown up she ends up riding horses in competitions & all sorts

Im looking for a josi manga but cant remember much bout it
Its bout a lil girl whos mum died so her dad/grandad took her in she endes by being mistreated by 1 of them
She starts riding hoses, i think she has a sister aswell
In another manga title
When shes all grown up she ends up riding horses in competitions & all sorts

Im looking for a josi manga but cant remember much bout it
Its bout a lil girl whos mum died so her dad/grandad took her in she endes by being mistreated by 1 of them
She starts riding hoses
When shes all grown up she ends up riding horses in competitions but i think thats in a diff manga but bout the same girl

Cant remember name of manga but think it a historical story line
The only detail I remember is a girl gets blamed for doing something she didn't do & gets put in jail then her fingers gets broken coz she wouldn't say who told her to do the thing she was accused of doing

I do think it is
Its got harems in it a bunch of Prince's & the main character is a cuncubine of 1 of the prince's
Also it was the emperor who sent her to jail & i dunno who but some1 sent some people to go interrogate the main character & coz she was falsely accused she couldn't give over the perpetrator so the tortured her & broke her fingers
Im looking for a manga about
A young girl gets taken into a harum by an old man who is king which gets killed by 1 of his sons as hes about to deflower the girl when shes older & he frees the other consorts but keeps her as she helped him wen he was slightly younger & was bout to get killed by assassins