and also here if you cannot open the first one http://m.fumanhua.net/manhua/4817/

Thank you soon much for sharing!!!!!

if someone is interested, it's completed in spanish

the link still exists but i don't know why it doesn't work. Here https://www.facebook.com/pg/Quiero-volver-fujoshi-a-mi-mejor-amiga-340641769607057/photos/?tab=album&album_id=341659399505294

I'll try again because i don't understand why you can't open it, because I can. https://www.facebook.com/pg/Quiero-volver-fujoshi-a-mi-mejor-amiga-340641769607057/photos/?ref=page_internal
does it work? it should be the Facebook page of the translation book and if you look through the albums there should be this manga

I just read the whole manga in spanish here:
Just click to see all the albums and you will find all the chapters :D
This manga is super cute :3
Here is the direct link to chapter 3:
I really appreciate the people who translated this for us to enjoy ;)

Waaah! Can't open the file!

Read the new chapter, it went by so fast! Does it really only have 25 something pages!? And yeah, I think Hyudo's love for Yuki is more like fatherly. He wouldn't want to do him after searching and wanting to take care of his friend's child right! Also I think he sort of knows about Tetsu's feelings for Yuki

Yes I agree with you, Hyudo is oh so hot and manly so I feel the temptation of seeing him as a love interest... but in the storyline he should be Yukio's godfather or legal guardian, and he's been trying to find him to take care of him as a paternal figure. Then we have Tetsu, and the core of that character is the fact that he is maddly in love with his best friend who was a victim of horrifying cruelty, who is in danger and who he can't protect because he's young and weak. Tetsu is going to have a huge character's development, he will become a strong person and try to save Yukio.

So.. yeah TetsuxYuki is what the author has establiched in the storytelling
I knew he had to be gay too
That was a twist to me! I was surprised. XD
I knew it he looks gay af!!
a uke or seme though?
Seme because there is literally no way Siwon is a seme. But I mean look at them it's just ridiculous!! Can you imagine them in bed? ugh!
Siwon.. being the seme would be very.. disturbing. I can't even describe how awkward that would be >__<
But if anyone would kindly do a fanfic on that, I would deifs read it! Only for laughs tho.