this is NOT cp or csem or whatever tiktok is saying it is 2 fictional teenagers being dumb and experimenting. CP AFFECTS ACTUAL CHILDREN!!!! its disgusting to even compare a oneshot manga of high schoolers messing around to videos of IRL children getting sexually abused
I'm not even surprised that these things are being said by tiktok users. SOOOO many BL Manga's take place in highschool. Reminds me when tiktok people would refer to ybc as "literal child porn" and it always rubbed me the wrong way bc ??? It's literally not? even if u read the authors other works with adult characters, they look the same as the ybc characters. So if ybc took place in college, would it suddenly not be considered "CP" ? Not to mention that the term CP is extremely insensitive. Children being abused is not "porn" it's Child sexual exploitation material (CSEM) Or child sexual abuse material (CSAM) if u don't like this story and u have an issue with it, that's fine. Coz it's ur choice. But that doesn't mean u can take terms that ACTUALLY means something and apply it here
I'm not even surprised that these things are being said by tiktok users. SOOOO many BL Manga's take place in highschool. Reminds me when tiktok people would refer to ybc as "literal child porn" and it always ru... jungwooyaoi
LITERALLY!! i used to be one of those ybc haters but looking back now it is so basic. teens having sex/sexual things in manga is extremely common. ive read like more then 10 that take place in highschool and the guys fuck. I wish people (on tiktok) stopped throwing around terms like cp and csem on anything they dont like. You can not like this manga bc yeah they do look a lil young and that might not me ur taste but GAHH I HATE TIKTOK
i’m so glad i’m not the only person who hates when ppl call fictional shit cp / csem. bc omfg it’s so insensitive towards actual victims of that stuff Meanwhile ppl are over here using the term for fictional characters that gave consent and are both just under 18 ??
i’m so glad i’m not the only person who hates when ppl call fictional shit cp / csem. bc omfg it’s so insensitive towards actual victims of that stuff Meanwhile ppl are over here using the term for fictio... meowzu
u tell them that using the term CP is offensive and they just flat out deny it. That shows they don't actually care about victims. I know there's people who use fiction to cope with things they've experienced, and they get harassed over that. How is that caring about victims of you're harassing them? And the harassment is severe. Doxing, rape threats, denying their trauma, outing them to homophobic families. a lot of these people don't even know the existence of the term "csem" because they don't really care about real life terms and issues. There's definitely some people with good intentions, I just really hate seeing the people who put fictional characters over victims
u tell them that using the term CP is offensive and they just flat out deny it. That shows they don't actually care about victims. I know there's people who use fiction to cope with things they've experienced, ... jungwooyaoi
EXACTLYYYY. i’ve always noticed that they only gaf abt victims and children that agree with them. any that don’t ? they’re suddenly perverted creepy villains to them which is so weird.
People do realize that most of the time when adults write two teens having sexual encounters most of the time it's not because they particularily get off from it but because they want to explore teenage sexuality and/or a teenage relationship? Like they do get that we were all teens at some point and we were all super horny right, that is a very common experience thus barring adults from writing it is insane. I would get an outcry if it was trying to romanticize the relationship between an adult and a teen but that is clearly not happening here.
People do realize that most of the time when adults write two teens having sexual encounters most of the time it's not because they particularily get off from it but because they want to explore teenage sexuali... ScratchTrash
I think there are better ways to explore teenage sexuality then drawing minors having sex. They could've made it to where two guys feel in love or a girl realizing she actually likes her best friend. If they were trying to go the more hormonal route, they could've easily made it to where a teenager realizes their body is changing and they become more aware of others bodies which leads to both the insecurities teens feel and the sexual awakenings because they're growing. Thus could lean into that subject while also keeping sex out of it by making to where the kid is exploring because of their curiosity and the changes mingling with their brain.
Yeah, we were all teens better but we're now ADULTS who have GROWN UP!! That's like saying a 30 yr old can sexualize a 16 yr old because they were a teen once and they're super horny. Your logic doesn't even male sense, nor apply when you look at it both logically and legally. There are better ways to explore teenage sexuality. It technically is an adult sexualizing a teenage relationship between two boys, so I definitely understand the outcry.
It's also disgusting to exploit that. It isn't actual CP, but it definitely can be considered as such. I mean, you are drawing sex between two highschoolers. I also don't think it's offensive to actual victims, because I'm sure they'd be disgusted by someone making sexual content surrounding children.
You also mean highschoolers having sex is common which leads me to wonder wtf are you reading? Most that even remotely include highschoolers always explicitly state they're 18 or above. It's a bit weird to proudly say you would read stuff about literal minors, real or not.
But highschoolers having sex irl is common and many (including me) have had sexual experiences in our mid to late teens. And even fiction wise it can actually be intergral to the plot or character/relationship arc for them to have sex rather than just be dealing with hormonal stuff. It can be a very important part of adolesence either good or bad and barring people ftom writing it because they are adults is silly. And like also there is geniunly a lot of fiction with highschoolers having sex with each other?? Look at any american highschool drama for instance. I will grant you this though, it depends entirely on how the sex is potrayed because it is usually safer to either have it happen off screen or obscure it a good bit and with this manga it mostly did that by not showing anything very explicit except with the shot where he had the white stuff on his face, which yeah that is not good.
Neithertheless it does not necessarily have to be because the author is getting off on a teenage relationship. I geniunly don't think that was their intent. I'd also like to ask: How do you know based on one singular very short chapter of a concept the author didn't want to show a coming to age story of two teens exploring their sexuality together? I am going off based on the fact that they also wrote Hikaru and in that one they are also going with the coming of age realising your sexuality approach. And I also got this same vibe here.
But highschoolers having sex irl is common and many (including me) have had sexual experiences in our mid to late teens. And even fiction wise it can actually be intergral to the plot or character/relationship ... ScratchTrash
If you read my reply, many of us have grown up! Why are you so obsessive around teenagers having sex? Yes, they do, however most of us don't look at teenagers in love and think "oh yeah, they're probably having sex." That's weird. Very weird how your only argument is children in real life do have sex. It is like you're obsessing over that fact when most people either do not care because they don't think that is the only thing teenagers do or advise them against it. Sex is not a good part of adolescence. It's a terrible part. Children should not be exposed to sexual content because it can be bad for them, and as I said there's more to teenage hormonal experiences then them just having sex. I literally gave you examples of it.
I genuinely believe that was their intent and thats how I know based off one chapter. That's why they wrote this and abandoned it because they saw how gross it was to write something like this. If it wasn't their intent, why did they refuse to be associated with this manga as the note at the end says? They didn't write Hikaru as a way of writing a "coming of age sexually story??" Hikaru is not a BL nor romance, it's a supernatural horror manga and that's its main focus. There are hints of having a sexual orientation awakening, but it is not the main focus of the story. Your argument is invalid, and easy to rebuttal.
At the end of the day, it is weird to fantasize that teenagers are only sex manics when in fact they are way more. Let's not forgot, this isn't even about a sexual awakening. The MC quite literally told the ML to diddle his fiddle as a way to test if the ML would really do anything he asked. So I'm a bit confused on how it's about teenagers exploring sexuality when it was actually about curiosity to see if a classmate would really do anything.
If you read my reply, many of us have grown up! Why are you so obsessive around teenagers having sex? Yes, they do, however most of us don't look at teenagers in love and think "oh yeah, they're probably having... rawr
Jfc what an actual insane prude twitter take. I just said it is a thing that often happens SO WHY SHOULD IT BE BARRED FROM BEING DISCUSSED IN ANY WAY IN FICTION?? Yes there is more to teenage sexuality but in some contexts of a plot it might make sense for them to have sex it does not have to be because you are a fucking weirdo fetishizing a teenage relationship but because you are trying to write a story where these two teens having this experience might change or make them realize something. AND THEN IT DEPENDS ON HOW YOU EXECUTE IT BECAUSE IF YOU EXPLICITEDLY DO SO LIKE THIS MANGA HERE DOES YEAH I AGREE THAT IS BORDERING ON WEIRD. Like I don't care neither do I wanna see them bang but if it's actually somehow a valid plot point of them to do so then sure why not, as long as you execute it well! And I don't even cosume a ton of stories with teenage romance because I just wildly prefer romance between adults lmfao.
And I said mid to late teens (so like 14 - 17 yo) NOT CHILDREN. There is a very stark difference in this context because no two 16 yos banging is inherently not a bad thing?? It is a good amount of times just legit two minors exploring their sexuality in a safe-r space with each other. Like there is ofc bad experiences with it but goddamn "Having sex [as a minor with another minor I assume] in your adolesence is always bad" is a wild fucking take.
Yeah it is a side part of Hikaru but a veryyy important one that is currently festering more and more within the story and will (and already has) impacted it quite a lot, it is a part that is very much just also ingrained into the lines of it. The horror and the queer aspect go absolutely hand in hand in it and without that aspect of adolesence sexuality the story would be way less impactful. But to talk on further, I believe it still wasn't their intent to sexualize two teens but they executed it poorly by showing the page with the white stuff on him.
Also teenage sexuality and curiousity are always in a package believe it or not.
Jfc what an actual insane prude twitter take. I just said it is a thing that often happens SO WHY SHOULD IT BE BARRED FROM BEING DISCUSSED IN ANY WAY IN FICTION?? Yes there is more to teenage sexuality but in s... ScratchTrash
Why are you so mad? All I asked was why were you so obsessed over teenagers and sex? FYI, children are teenagers. Minors=children and Minors also equal 17 and under, which means they are kids. It's weird how you're trying to group them as if they are not children. Having sex as a minor IS bad. Please go to the nearest police station and ask if having sex as a minor is okay and see their response. I also fear that you are not actually reading my replies, because you just keep repeating yourself and I feel like broken record. It's almost like you realize you're fumbling your argument, no? It's not about how they execute it, it's about how weird it is you're even thinking of it! I dunno about you, but I've never thought about two MINORS having sex and how they, the MINORS, would explore having sex to satisfy their curiosity. Usually when I think of minors having a sexual awakening, I assume it is one dealing with their sexual orientation and not their sexual organs. If my response is such an insane Twitter take, your response is the most average 4chan user. Now reread my reply and rebuttal me correctly, because you're just repeating yourself and not showing any signs of believing even your own argument.
Why are you so mad? All I asked was why were you so obsessed over teenagers and sex? FYI, children are teenagers. Minors=children and Minors also equal 17 and under, which means they are kids. It's weird how yo... rawr
I got mad cuz u accused me of being obsessed with teenagers when I'm not! I've just been stating the same thing again and again that exploring such thing isn't inherently a bad thing in media but you misconstructed it for me to sound like I am horny for teens which is really gross! I am not thinking about two minors having sex I am thinking about how the story is moving forward with that. When I think back to my personal experiences with having such experiences as a minor I also rather think about with how I've been engaging with my sexuality back then and maybe the other person but never have I thought "wow it was so hot we both were teens while doing it too!" So yeah you are completly misinterpreting all I'm saying.
Also what where do u live cuz police would most likely rather then be concerned if a) the minor has been practicing safe sex (which is a very fair concern) or b) if the minor has been having sex with an adult (which also is a very fair concern) otherwise they are probably gon be like yeah they should better abstain from it or at least know to be protected and informed abt it.
Also very important string of words I used "in this context" believe it or not children and children that have entered adolesence are very different from each other psychologically and developmentally wise. I wasn't trying to say teens aren't children, I was trying to seperate them because I do think pre-adolesence children shouldn't be anywhere near sexual stuff in any regard.
Oh btw, to actually rebute something it is best to use a source.
Anyways nope I am not changing my mind on this, seems like you just got your view on this and I got mine.
I got mad cuz u accused me of being obsessed with teenagers when I'm not! I've just been stating the same thing again and again that exploring such thing isn't inherently a bad thing in media but you misconstru... ScratchTrash
" I am not thinking about two minors having sex I am thinking about how the story is moving forward with that."
That's exactly what you said. It quite literally contradicts your entire argument! The story is about two minors having sex! There's nothing else! No other plot! Just minors having sex! That's exactly what you have been saying, and now you're trying to backtrack? I live on America where a minor can get charged for rape if they have sex with another minor. It actually happened, two 15 year olds had sex and got charged. I also think of it like this- if a 15-17 year cannot consent, so therefore it technically would be illegal. The police would also likely tell them not to do it and to wait until their older, as would any other adult. Also, safe sex is not 100%. You can still get pregnant or contract an STD even with protection and birth control. The only way to be totally safe is abstinence.
"And I said mid to late teens (so like 14 - 17 yo) NOT CHILDREN. There is a very stark difference in this context" and ". I wasn't trying to say teens aren't children"
There is no separate group. A child is a child. They can't do anything without parental permission, they're a child.
Oh and BTW, that's not how you can rebute, because then you're contradicting yourself again because you lack any evidence aside from personal experience (which does not count as evidence as it cannot be comfirmed). There is something called paraphrasing where you don't put in whole quotes of the research and instead summarize it! The more you know!
At the end of the day, it seems like you realize you're wrong, because I stand by my opinions whether or not they're wrong. I stand on what I say, and that's that. I never would say "seems like you got your view" because that implies that the other person is likely right and I'm losing this battle.
" I am not thinking about two minors having sex I am thinking about how the story is moving forward with that."That's exactly what you said. It quite literally contradicts your entire argument! The story is abo... rawr
Bestie this ain't abt losing or winning idc I just like arguing with people online and can say when we have a subjectively unchanging different opinion to each other, doesn't have anything to do with being right or wrong.
I didn't even try to rebute you, I tried to counter-argue. Two vastly different things. I have also only once used a personal experience for a thing to showcase my train of thought. Otherwise I have used commonly seen experiences or have given u things that you could look up to check their validity. There is a lot of auto-biographical books where the author recalls a sexual encounter they had as a teen too I bet.
Also A) America's age of consent usually is 16 so in your words a minor that cannot consent yet at the same time it says so in the law and B) I am not from there and we have very different laws when it comes to that. Oh and c) laws are a very fickle thing, especially in this case they are different all over the world, just cuz one country says it ain't ok doesn't mean another will do the same, taking legality in account in this argument doesn't work.
Yet again IN THIS CONTEXT I seperated them because 0-12/13 yo are very different in wavelength to 14 -17 yo. Child can mean SO many things, in general we are all children because we have parents, chilldren could also refer to minors as a whole or just a particular age range (4-12 yo for example according to nhs, it even states 13 - 19 yos to be teens and on other sites it also has differences when it comes to that.)
And I won't even repeat my main point again cuz I beat u over the head with it and u still completly misunderstood.
Anyways I still stand to my opinion and to me it sounds like you just want to badly crown yourself a winner and if that makes you sleep at night sure idc have a good day lol
Please look up the definition of rebute, it quite literally means to counter argue. If you truly didn't care, you wouldn't respond. I care because I'm clearly clocking you.
Autobiography is different. An Autobiography is a recount of someone's life and their true experiences. This is fiction, a story. To write about two minors raw-dogging just because you thought it was arousing or cool is...weird. Very odd.
A. The age of consent is not 16. It is 18. B. Using the "well, that's the age of consent where I'm from" argument is most commonly used with pdfs. Are you saying you'd have sex with a 16 year old because that's the "age of consent??" C. Law is a fickle thing. Laws are written in blood.
Your won't write your main point again because, as I've said millions of times, I have successfully shown the holes in your argument. It doesn't add up nor make sense. You got your tea clocked, and now you're backing down because you realize you're wrong. Not my fault you like kids.
Does anyone know the title of the manga where this old lady gets a BL manga and the cashier of the book store is like a younger girl? They become friends and talk about BL
this is NOT cp or csem or whatever tiktok is saying it is 2 fictional teenagers being dumb and experimenting. CP AFFECTS ACTUAL CHILDREN!!!! its disgusting to even compare a oneshot manga of high schoolers messing around to videos of IRL children getting sexually abused
I'm not even surprised that these things are being said by tiktok users. SOOOO many BL Manga's take place in highschool. Reminds me when tiktok people would refer to ybc as "literal child porn" and it always rubbed me the wrong way bc ??? It's literally not? even if u read the authors other works with adult characters, they look the same as the ybc characters. So if ybc took place in college, would it suddenly not be considered "CP" ? Not to mention that the term CP is extremely insensitive. Children being abused is not "porn" it's Child sexual exploitation material (CSEM) Or child sexual abuse material (CSAM) if u don't like this story and u have an issue with it, that's fine. Coz it's ur choice. But that doesn't mean u can take terms that ACTUALLY means something and apply it here
LITERALLY!! i used to be one of those ybc haters but looking back now it is so basic. teens having sex/sexual things in manga is extremely common. ive read like more then 10 that take place in highschool and the guys fuck. I wish people (on tiktok) stopped throwing around terms like cp and csem on anything they dont like. You can not like this manga bc yeah they do look a lil young and that might not me ur taste but GAHH I HATE TIKTOK
i’m so glad i’m not the only person who hates when ppl call fictional shit cp / csem. bc omfg it’s so insensitive towards actual victims of that stuff Meanwhile ppl are over here using the term for fictional characters that gave consent and are both just under 18 ??
u tell them that using the term CP is offensive and they just flat out deny it. That shows they don't actually care about victims. I know there's people who use fiction to cope with things they've experienced, and they get harassed over that. How is that caring about victims of you're harassing them? And the harassment is severe. Doxing, rape threats, denying their trauma, outing them to homophobic families. a lot of these people don't even know the existence of the term "csem" because they don't really care about real life terms and issues. There's definitely some people with good intentions, I just really hate seeing the people who put fictional characters over victims
EXACTLYYYY. i’ve always noticed that they only gaf abt victims and children that agree with them. any that don’t ? they’re suddenly perverted creepy villains to them which is so weird.
crazy that i’m seeing smarter discussions on MANGAGO of all places than a minority of social media platforms
People do realize that most of the time when adults write two teens having sexual encounters most of the time it's not because they particularily get off from it but because they want to explore teenage sexuality and/or a teenage relationship? Like they do get that we were all teens at some point and we were all super horny right, that is a very common experience thus barring adults from writing it is insane.
I would get an outcry if it was trying to romanticize the relationship between an adult and a teen but that is clearly not happening here.
I think there are better ways to explore teenage sexuality then drawing minors having sex. They could've made it to where two guys feel in love or a girl realizing she actually likes her best friend. If they were trying to go the more hormonal route, they could've easily made it to where a teenager realizes their body is changing and they become more aware of others bodies which leads to both the insecurities teens feel and the sexual awakenings because they're growing. Thus could lean into that subject while also keeping sex out of it by making to where the kid is exploring because of their curiosity and the changes mingling with their brain.
Yeah, we were all teens better but we're now ADULTS who have GROWN UP!! That's like saying a 30 yr old can sexualize a 16 yr old because they were a teen once and they're super horny. Your logic doesn't even male sense, nor apply when you look at it both logically and legally. There are better ways to explore teenage sexuality. It technically is an adult sexualizing a teenage relationship between two boys, so I definitely understand the outcry.
It's also disgusting to exploit that. It isn't actual CP, but it definitely can be considered as such. I mean, you are drawing sex between two highschoolers. I also don't think it's offensive to actual victims, because I'm sure they'd be disgusted by someone making sexual content surrounding children.
You also mean highschoolers having sex is common which leads me to wonder wtf are you reading? Most that even remotely include highschoolers always explicitly state they're 18 or above. It's a bit weird to proudly say you would read stuff about literal minors, real or not.
But highschoolers having sex irl is common and many (including me) have had sexual experiences in our mid to late teens.
And even fiction wise it can actually be intergral to the plot or character/relationship arc for them to have sex rather than just be dealing with hormonal stuff. It can be a very important part of adolesence either good or bad and barring people ftom writing it because they are adults is silly.
And like also there is geniunly a lot of fiction with highschoolers having sex with each other?? Look at any american highschool drama for instance.
I will grant you this though, it depends entirely on how the sex is potrayed because it is usually safer to either have it happen off screen or obscure it a good bit and with this manga it mostly did that by not showing anything very explicit except with the shot where he had the white stuff on his face, which yeah that is not good.
Neithertheless it does not necessarily have to be because the author is getting off on a teenage relationship. I geniunly don't think that was their intent.
I'd also like to ask: How do you know based on one singular very short chapter of a concept the author didn't want to show a coming to age story of two teens exploring their sexuality together?
I am going off based on the fact that they also wrote Hikaru and in that one they are also going with the coming of age realising your sexuality approach. And I also got this same vibe here.
If you read my reply, many of us have grown up! Why are you so obsessive around teenagers having sex? Yes, they do, however most of us don't look at teenagers in love and think "oh yeah, they're probably having sex." That's weird. Very weird how your only argument is children in real life do have sex. It is like you're obsessing over that fact when most people either do not care because they don't think that is the only thing teenagers do or advise them against it. Sex is not a good part of adolescence. It's a terrible part. Children should not be exposed to sexual content because it can be bad for them, and as I said there's more to teenage hormonal experiences then them just having sex. I literally gave you examples of it.
I genuinely believe that was their intent and thats how I know based off one chapter. That's why they wrote this and abandoned it because they saw how gross it was to write something like this. If it wasn't their intent, why did they refuse to be associated with this manga as the note at the end says? They didn't write Hikaru as a way of writing a "coming of age sexually story??" Hikaru is not a BL nor romance, it's a supernatural horror manga and that's its main focus. There are hints of having a sexual orientation awakening, but it is not the main focus of the story. Your argument is invalid, and easy to rebuttal.
At the end of the day, it is weird to fantasize that teenagers are only sex manics when in fact they are way more. Let's not forgot, this isn't even about a sexual awakening. The MC quite literally told the ML to diddle his fiddle as a way to test if the ML would really do anything he asked. So I'm a bit confused on how it's about teenagers exploring sexuality when it was actually about curiosity to see if a classmate would really do anything.
I rest my case.
Jfc what an actual insane prude twitter take. I just said it is a thing that often happens SO WHY SHOULD IT BE BARRED FROM BEING DISCUSSED IN ANY WAY IN FICTION?? Yes there is more to teenage sexuality but in some contexts of a plot it might make sense for them to have sex it does not have to be because you are a fucking weirdo fetishizing a teenage relationship but because you are trying to write a story where these two teens having this experience might change or make them realize something. AND THEN IT DEPENDS ON HOW YOU EXECUTE IT BECAUSE IF YOU EXPLICITEDLY DO SO LIKE THIS MANGA HERE DOES YEAH I AGREE THAT IS BORDERING ON WEIRD.
Like I don't care neither do I wanna see them bang but if it's actually somehow a valid plot point of them to do so then sure why not, as long as you execute it well!
And I don't even cosume a ton of stories with teenage romance because I just wildly prefer romance between adults lmfao.
And I said mid to late teens (so like 14 - 17 yo) NOT CHILDREN. There is a very stark difference in this context because no two 16 yos banging is inherently not a bad thing?? It is a good amount of times just legit two minors exploring their sexuality in a safe-r space with each other. Like there is ofc bad experiences with it but goddamn "Having sex [as a minor with another minor I assume] in your adolesence is always bad" is a wild fucking take.
Yeah it is a side part of Hikaru but a veryyy important one that is currently festering more and more within the story and will (and already has) impacted it quite a lot, it is a part that is very much just also ingrained into the lines of it. The horror and the queer aspect go absolutely hand in hand in it and without that aspect of adolesence sexuality the story would be way less impactful.
But to talk on further, I believe it still wasn't their intent to sexualize two teens but they executed it poorly by showing the page with the white stuff on him.
Also teenage sexuality and curiousity are always in a package believe it or not.
Why are you so mad? All I asked was why were you so obsessed over teenagers and sex? FYI, children are teenagers. Minors=children and Minors also equal 17 and under, which means they are kids. It's weird how you're trying to group them as if they are not children. Having sex as a minor IS bad. Please go to the nearest police station and ask if having sex as a minor is okay and see their response. I also fear that you are not actually reading my replies, because you just keep repeating yourself and I feel like broken record. It's almost like you realize you're fumbling your argument, no? It's not about how they execute it, it's about how weird it is you're even thinking of it! I dunno about you, but I've never thought about two MINORS having sex and how they, the MINORS, would explore having sex to satisfy their curiosity. Usually when I think of minors having a sexual awakening, I assume it is one dealing with their sexual orientation and not their sexual organs. If my response is such an insane Twitter take, your response is the most average 4chan user. Now reread my reply and rebuttal me correctly, because you're just repeating yourself and not showing any signs of believing even your own argument.
I got mad cuz u accused me of being obsessed with teenagers when I'm not! I've just been stating the same thing again and again that exploring such thing isn't inherently a bad thing in media but you misconstructed it for me to sound like I am horny for teens which is really gross! I am not thinking about two minors having sex I am thinking about how the story is moving forward with that. When I think back to my personal experiences with having such experiences as a minor I also rather think about with how I've been engaging with my sexuality back then and maybe the other person but never have I thought "wow it was so hot we both were teens while doing it too!"
So yeah you are completly misinterpreting all I'm saying.
Also what where do u live cuz police would most likely rather then be concerned if a) the minor has been practicing safe sex (which is a very fair concern) or b) if the minor has been having sex with an adult (which also is a very fair concern) otherwise they are probably gon be like yeah they should better abstain from it or at least know to be protected and informed abt it.
Also very important string of words I used "in this context" believe it or not children and children that have entered adolesence are very different from each other psychologically and developmentally wise. I wasn't trying to say teens aren't children, I was trying to seperate them because I do think pre-adolesence children shouldn't be anywhere near sexual stuff in any regard.
Oh btw, to actually rebute something it is best to use a source.
Anyways nope I am not changing my mind on this, seems like you just got your view on this and I got mine.
" I am not thinking about two minors having sex I am thinking about how the story is moving forward with that."
That's exactly what you said. It quite literally contradicts your entire argument! The story is about two minors having sex! There's nothing else! No other plot! Just minors having sex! That's exactly what you have been saying, and now you're trying to backtrack? I live on America where a minor can get charged for rape if they have sex with another minor. It actually happened, two 15 year olds had sex and got charged. I also think of it like this- if a 15-17 year cannot consent, so therefore it technically would be illegal. The police would also likely tell them not to do it and to wait until their older, as would any other adult. Also, safe sex is not 100%. You can still get pregnant or contract an STD even with protection and birth control. The only way to be totally safe is abstinence.
"And I said mid to late teens (so like 14 - 17 yo) NOT CHILDREN. There is a very stark difference in this context" and ". I wasn't trying to say teens aren't children"
There is no separate group. A child is a child. They can't do anything without parental permission, they're a child.
Oh and BTW, that's not how you can rebute, because then you're contradicting yourself again because you lack any evidence aside from personal experience (which does not count as evidence as it cannot be comfirmed). There is something called paraphrasing where you don't put in whole quotes of the research and instead summarize it! The more you know!
At the end of the day, it seems like you realize you're wrong, because I stand by my opinions whether or not they're wrong. I stand on what I say, and that's that. I never would say "seems like you got your view" because that implies that the other person is likely right and I'm losing this battle.
Bestie this ain't abt losing or winning idc I just like arguing with people online and can say when we have a subjectively unchanging different opinion to each other, doesn't have anything to do with being right or wrong.
I didn't even try to rebute you, I tried to counter-argue. Two vastly different things. I have also only once used a personal experience for a thing to showcase my train of thought. Otherwise I have used commonly seen experiences or have given u things that you could look up to check their validity. There is a lot of auto-biographical books where the author recalls a sexual encounter they had as a teen too I bet.
Also A) America's age of consent usually is 16 so in your words a minor that cannot consent yet at the same time it says so in the law and B) I am not from there and we have very different laws when it comes to that. Oh and c) laws are a very fickle thing, especially in this case they are different all over the world, just cuz one country says it ain't ok doesn't mean another will do the same, taking legality in account in this argument doesn't work.
Yet again IN THIS CONTEXT I seperated them because 0-12/13 yo are very different in wavelength to 14 -17 yo. Child can mean SO many things, in general we are all children because we have parents, chilldren could also refer to minors as a whole or just a particular age range (4-12 yo for example according to nhs, it even states 13 - 19 yos to be teens and on other sites it also has differences when it comes to that.)
And I won't even repeat my main point again cuz I beat u over the head with it and u still completly misunderstood.
Anyways I still stand to my opinion and to me it sounds like you just want to badly crown yourself a winner and if that makes you sleep at night sure idc have a good day lol
Please look up the definition of rebute, it quite literally means to counter argue. If you truly didn't care, you wouldn't respond. I care because I'm clearly clocking you.
Autobiography is different. An Autobiography is a recount of someone's life and their true experiences. This is fiction, a story. To write about two minors raw-dogging just because you thought it was arousing or cool is...weird. Very odd.
A. The age of consent is not 16. It is 18. B. Using the "well, that's the age of consent where I'm from" argument is most commonly used with pdfs. Are you saying you'd have sex with a 16 year old because that's the "age of consent??" C. Law is a fickle thing. Laws are written in blood.
Your won't write your main point again because, as I've said millions of times, I have successfully shown the holes in your argument. It doesn't add up nor make sense. You got your tea clocked, and now you're backing down because you realize you're wrong. Not my fault you like kids.
Or as you've put it, teenagers