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Yaoi❤lover's topics ( All 8 )

Yaoi❤lover July 16, 2023 7:19 am

So gooddddd

Yaoi❤lover July 16, 2023 7:10 am

Comments are back finally, missed this so much also this is a good read!

Yaoi❤lover's questions ( All 1 )

Yaoi❤lover May 4, 2021 12:48 am

Okay so its like a guy and his friend but everytime the guy gets a boyfriend the friend always unententialy steals them away but it never works out and even tho this guy wanted to boyfriend if he also wanted his friend to have a bf they have the same type btw so the guy had to go work at another job for a few weeks and the friend said he would cover for him at his new job but the guy told his friend that there was a guy that he liked at his current job so the friend went to the job to cover for the guy and well they fell in love but the friend was trying not to love him cause they guy said he loved him he didn't by the way so then the guy new that he loved him but couldn't just tell the friend oh hey I know you love him I don't really like him I just wanted you with him but then the guy meet another guy and the guy he meet was really nice and the guy told the guy he meet the situation and the guy he meet was prob like wtf and when they were about to do it the guy didn't know he was a bottom which was hillarius u gotta talk about that with someone but that's besides the point and I'm tired of typing so does anyone know what I'm talking about ik your prob confused but someone will understand...........................................................................................................Damn it I just remembered the name of the manga but there's no way in hell I'm deleting all this so i wanna see if someone can still guess what it is and if you want to know what it is just ask me lol

    tatiisok May 4, 2021 12:54 am

    it sounds so confusing but funny. so sauce bestie?

    Yaoi❤lover May 4, 2021 10:47 am
    it sounds so confusing but funny. so sauce bestie? tatiisok

    I got you check you mail

Yaoi❤lover's favorite ( All 12 )

How to Lose Weight 09-18 04:33
Losing Weight 04-19 00:53
Photo from i lvoe 12-20 18:19
eating out/blowjobs 08-29 05:24
Photo from crying in the club rn 01-29 11:25

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