Min created a topic of The Titan's bride

can someone take a hammer and break that egg already

Min created a topic of My Suha

actually cancer inducing comments

Min created a topic of My Suha

if siwoo didn't want to blackmailed and threatened then MAYBE he shouldn't have gone to dohyeok's hotel room, drugged him, physically assaulted him and then raped him. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ it's siwoo's fault his bar and family were threatened. siwoo and the rest of you can die mad.

Min created a topic of My Suha

my suha fans have some reading comprehension challenge: impossible

Min created a topic of My Suha

bitches read about omegaverse, men releasing slick from their asshole, 15 inch x 5 inch cocks like it's a Bad Dragon product and then suddenly turn around and cry about their "realism" when people don't want a fictional character getting a SE. if i wanted "" realism"" i wouldn't be reading gay stories written by a woman

Min created a topic of Debut or Die

is this on hiatus or something?

Min created a topic of My Suha

does anyone know of any other story like the side story? any other character like dohyeok? i'm gonna miss him ༎‿༎

Min like topic of My Suha

for once it's nice to see the comments section share the same opinion. it doesn't matter whether everyone likes dohyeok/felt sympathy for him or not, but we can all agree that the ending was unsatisfactory for various reasons. i want to talk about it.

first, dohyeok's karma. apparently this "hardcore" sidestory's purpose was for dohyeok to get his punishment in the full, which idk is justified to what extent? he was: jailed, raped (twice) to the point where he got an ED, got betrayed by his "friends" and was gangraped, got PTSD, sent overseas by his grandma who never considered his say in the matter. he fell for siwoo, got rejected, begged him to believe his feelings but got turned down anyway. still, it could have been acceptable, if siwoo hadn't kissed that npc faceless character in front of dohyeok. his face when he saw that will always haunt me, out of everything he has been through, this must be the moment he hit his breaking point. i felt for him in those scenes. his anger is SO justified, and his inner monologue was heartbreaking.

second, siwoo's character. it's honestly really disappointing to see an initially complex character like him have such a horrible downfall. he was somewhat likeable in the main story, but he kept getting worse in the sidestories. how he managed to have absolutely zero character development for 30+ chapters needs to be studied. till the end, he kept thinking about his bar and family business only. his thoughts while kissing the npc: "i am no longer under your control, i don't have to worry about my bar or seorim" (actual translations may differ). truly the most selfish character i have come across in recent BLs, him using his "niceness" as a facade is very deceitful and low of him. needless to say, he gained an immense amount of haters overnight, which is justified.

lastly, closure. nothing was resolved. it was mentioned that dohyeok was planning to do something with kim yongwu and co., but none of that was shown. so his rapists who drugged and raped him don't deserve karma? only he does? i don't understand why the author bothered making a sidestory about a character she hates so much, and if she wanted her readers to hate him as well, why make us sympathize with him and wish for his happiness? if stories like sadistic beauty bl ss, no reason and the warehouse can end with the couple staying together, why not these two? an open ending was still expected, siwoo could have taken his scarf, told dohyeok goodbye and asked him to move on. but no, he had to show us readers exactly why his relationships don't last for more than a month. he doesn't even have feelings for the poor guy he kissed, he just did it to show dohyeok idk what. siwoo, SIWOO WHEN I CATCH YOU SIWOO, SIWOO WHEN I CATCH YOU. (suha also never learnt about any of this lol.)

a very rushed ending, upsetting both korean and international readers. i really do hope dohyeok gets his own solo story where he finds someone better and gets therapy, learns how to be kinder to people around him, and also to himself. healing is what he needs the most. also, shoutout to my girl ms jung for staying loyal towards dohyeok till the end, he respected her a lot. here's to hoping a new story with dohyeok, although it's just wishful thinking right now.

Min created a topic of My Suha

the sheer difference in the replies (on the author's twt) from ch32 and ch33 is staggering ch 32 has 71 replies while ch 33 (the last one) has 364. i scoured for a while and i think i only saw one (1) reply that said they liked the ending. everyone else is either cursing siwoo, the author, or themselves out for reading this story. i will say, some of the replies are kinda mean

Min created a topic of My Suha

hope siwoo and the eyeless npc have fun for however long they're together. feel like this chapter ruined any chance of salvation dohyeok might have had. i'll still consume any content with him though - i don't care that much about the morality of a bunch of pixels.

Min created a topic of My Suha

thinking dohyeok is a rapist but siwoo ISN'T is a cognitive dissonance of whole another level. if you wanna cry about rape, they're both rapists. sorry if you think otherwise, maybe if you got a brain transplant ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Min created a topic of My Suha

nah people really are ripping both the author and siwoo to shreds on tw1tter right now manifesting sihyeok's own manhwa!

Min created a topic of My Suha

is the end like a hint they might get their own manhwa? (delusional)

Min created a topic of Debut or Die

not to be a bitch but the update schedule of this manhwa is really inconsistent

Min created a topic of Devil on Top

dude needs to drink some water, piss looking like fanta

Min created a topic of Our Sunny Days

i just noticed that this manhwa has a yaoi tag and not shounen ai, whew (≧▽≦)

Min created a topic of My Suha

okay i'm a bit confused now, by "recent raw" you guys mean ep 32 of the side story aka ch 152, right? or was there another new update?

Min created a topic of The Man At Night

lady, pay for an actual therapist instead of paying strippers to come to your house, trying to commit suicide in front of them and have them listen to your sobstory.

Min created a topic of My Suha

i'm sorry guys, siwoo dies after this. dohyeok gets arrested and put in jail for good. suha has a mental breakdown. rip siwoo, fly high :(