Min's feed

Min like question

I hate when I'm like "I wish this comic had more male characters befriending the MC" and ppl are like "but there is!" and the characters are always one of
1- oldman who's skin and bone completely wrinkled wizard
2- rugged fat dwarf with horrifying proportions
3- unattractive kinda anthropomorphic monster
4- warrior with unnaturally swollen muscles and ugly face
5- rabbit/cat who walks in 2 legs and speaks.
6- plain dude who's an unfunny comedic relief that appears each 15 chaptefs

And then the ladies, even the monster-ladies, are always gorgeous, perfect proportions, beautiful faces, young looking even if they're 1500 y/o.
Why can't the damn ugly ass orc companion be the girl and the beautiful and cool archer be a guy
Make the the old hag wizard be the witch and let the cute sunshine-like magician be a young guy.
Let the stupid and ugly but large and strong tank be a woman, give me the defenseless, spoiled and useless, who can't even walk without tripping as a guy!
The fat dwarf can totally be a woman, they gotta reproduce, right? While the tsundere annoying character who keeps punching the MC (but the MC thinks it's cute) and is supposed to be super strong but keeps needing to be rescued, this character? They can be a boy, nothing is stopping you.
Turn the unfunny, plain looking comedic character into a girl, and change the stoic-looking but actually endearingly weird and sweet OP character into a man.
And have the talking cat who appears to give missions and such be female while the sexy fairy who's always sat at the MC's shoulder and have little jealous fits be male.

If you want so badly to make your main cast full of unattractive characters, why do they always gotta be THE ONLY men besides the MC? Why are they never ladies? Why all the ladies are ALWAYS attractive? Even the female monsters are drawn closer to human beauty standards than the male ones. Does that make any sense? How are these beautiful ladies (because even random ladies with one line of speech are drawn prettily) having kids and all their daughters are God's favorite creation but their sons are unsightly ugly??