The mutation of mosquito n how the humans fight them to survive.
the art looks like ”The Boxer” manhwa.
Here is the link but it in Vietnamese not English
I want to find this Manhwa in English
Thank you

i can’t really help you but here is the translated page
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=fil&sl=vi&tl=en&u= http%3A%2F%2Fnhattruyen.com%2Ftruyen-tranh%2Fdai-chien-muoi-bien-di-34178&prev=search&sandbox=1

The mutation of mosquito n how the humans fight them to survive.
the art looks like ”The Boxer” manhwa.
Thank you

Here is the link but it in Vietnamese not English
I want to find this Manhwa in English

I want to find a manhwa that had a similar to Solo Leveling. But I can't find in English sub

Tomb Raider King http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/tomb_raider_king/

a high school boy got his heart broken, but then he meet up with an middle age man he saw the high school boy sleeping in the field so the man took him back to his shady apartment, the high school boy came to like the man n hangout with the man more n cook for him as well. At first the man didn’t know how to respond to his feeling but later he feels the same about the boy.
” 황후 궁 체 대생 ” has it been translated on Mangago yet?
what is the name in mangago can you pls tell me ?? :)
Thank you very much
thank youuuu (⌒▽⌒)