DUDE....there's never any stories about couples that switch!! it's always strict top, strict bottom and thats good but it gets old!! and this was perfect!!! the top didn't act like he was having his pride mashed to bits just for bottoming sometimes!! and the bottom is so hoott!!! I'm sorry for screaming but THIS IS JUST SO EFFING GOOD!!! (≧∀≦)
Bro I genuinely tried to like it because the art is good. I couldn't even make it past ch 48. I thought there'd be some way for it to be a good story. But nope. Another person was right, it puts you in the man-hating mood. Something about this story is subtly demeaning. There's just all kinds of weird fucking shit that has no point.
It's a male fantasy: a bunch of hot busty women all wanting your dick and willing to share and alternate bed sharing just to have you.
It's always the women short-changed (as we see with Madoka). She wants him to herself, but that won't happen. So, does she keep her self-respect and monogamous desires? No, watch. She'll cave and do anything for the guy with "dazzling" dick, cause he says so.
I realized from the start that they'll always find their way back to each other, mugi and hanabi. There's a certain dynamic, a certain angle in their relationship that went deeper than all others. It felt to me that even though they started their relationship out of convenience, they became somewhat of an irreplaceable existence to each other, unknowingly. It's something deeper, more permanent than love or attachment of obsession.
Even tho the last chapter was a bit disturbing in the whole "keeping bloodline pure with systematic incest and manipulation" I'm looking forward to where the story goes.
Also the art feels like 90s style adapted to color? It's kinda weird when she opens her mouth like : D but there's lips drawn on the bottom and it looks like her mouth is being stretched open that wide and it's just. A little weird. ( ̄∇ ̄")
What with all the foreshadowing, and how the method is such that normal women must take the cure after copulation, I feel like Lucia and Hue's relationship will progress to a point where they want kids and then Lucia will become pregnant when she makes the cure and treats herself with it. But Lucia and Hue won't let the icky Taran traditions continue because they're good people.
Even if they do decide to let the traditions continue (Though I doubt they ever would) it would be impossible since ML doesn't have a sister so he can't have male offsprings
Bro. His son. According to the story, sons would have kids w their half-sisters who in this case could have been Lucia and Hue's daughter.
Oh fk I forgot about the son Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)