Some people aren’t going to be good parents and they’ll end up with stupid ass kids like you
Went to work, worked a double. My leg ass down is feeling bad, wrist is so close to snapping.
Got tests and quizzes to do before Sunday morning so…
I like Will Wood. Any song that sounds crazy really.
Reading the replies makes me feel like I’m such a bad person
I have a dmv appointment this Friday and I haven’t studied. It was last minute and it’s my only chance before having to pay for it myself chat I think I’m cooked I’m so for real.. Any advice? Some questions people know? I know it’s different for every (U.S.) state but anything helps me
Who knows man… I miss mine though, it got found and I pretended my mom bought it
Ennead ruined college for me. I’m in art history 1 and we’re discussing ancient Egypt. I hate this is the reason I know the names of the Egyptian gods..
I have a manager who’s called Herman, seeing the name here pisses me off even more >:(
I’m trying to go to law school.
I was told it would be better to have a bachelors degree before heading so I’m doing community college for two years then a university for two more then off to law to which I dunno
I’m also working at a steakhouse! I only have two days off (two days I go to school) i hate it but my parents told me to work an......