bb matsui is too perfect! He’s dummy thicc, looks good in EVERYTHING (that polo + glasses combo i- (☆▽☆)), bad bitch bottom and a hard worker????Kensuke step up your game!
everyone is so ~ dummy thicc~
me every time oliver showed up: imma cut a bitch
Ok, I’ll just imagine ch.6 in my head where they fucking finally switch like they’re always thissss close
Oh my god!!! I am kinda team Ayden since Momichupa Oppabu but honestly as long Daichi ends up with high spec seme who loves him crazy I’ll be happy
people have been picking up abandoned works by ikuyasu sensei and I couldn’t be happier!!! Thank you so muchhh
bb matsui is too perfect! He’s dummy thicc, looks good in EVERYTHING (that polo + glasses combo i- (☆▽☆)), bad bitch bottom and a hard worker????
Kensuke step up your game!