I want to drop this but there might be a child. I’m here for the kid. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ They better not pull “boys pregnant in high school” shit.
EDIT: I mean that manga called boys pregnant in high school or something like that I forgot . I was talking about the shit ending. Were we only saw the kid’s back side of the head and BOOM it ended. Well I found it shit.

“Then there’s men who was fond of him even as a child.” B*tch what?(°▽°) “AgE iS jUsT A nUmBER!!!!” 911 is just a number. A cell is just a room. A glock is just metal with gunpowder that shoots out little metal. I’m going to find those men and OMG! Their house is in fire and OMG they got trapped in the fire and died!! Who ever saw this coming? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I know it’s fictional. I know Levi is not a p*do. I just wanted to say this.

May I have the raws? It’s for Scientific purposes and plot. Pleas and thank you.
(Definitely not for the men titties) ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

https://newtoki95.com/webtoon/12442613?stx=%EB%8F%84%EB%A0%A8%EB%8B%98%EC%9D%98+%EC%8B%9D%ED%83%81&title=%EB%8F%84%EB%A0%A8%EB%8B%98%EC%9D%98+%EC%8B%9D%ED%83%81 here u go its definetly good research on the human anatomy ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

What happened to Tae? Their last upload was chapter 93. They never said they dropped it. Did the other scan groups get permission from Tae? I know Tae works really hard on the chapters.

I don’t think anything happened to Tae. Their name is on the Archer Scans Banner at the start of chapter 97, I think someone just joined them to help out. But there are other people who are now uploading over Tae/Archer Scans the last few chaps for god knows what reason. I don’t get it, they’re just wasting their own time and the time of the people who were already translating?
I’m praying that they get some good character development. I’m on my hand and knees. I’m hoping they get character development like the seme from “Hit on by a kinky guy”. Also that baby better be cute.