Milk with sugar February 27, 2024 6:29 pm

Any good non-isekai fantasy plz

Milk with sugar December 27, 2023 5:14 am

Im pretty certain my mum is cheating on my dad. I overheard a call she got from some random dude calling her hot. She said she's gonna divorce my dad, it's not because of that, their relationship is shit, but I don't think it helped with ending things amicably lol. My dad cooked chicken for dinner tonight, I went to eat late bc I just had popcorn and I was playing on my phone. When I got to the kitchen and went to do my plate, I spilled the chicken all over the sink, I fell terrible, I like cooking and I know how horrible it feels when something like this happens. My mom was right next to me, she was scoping the chicken back to the pot, I was tearing up and my dad came over to tell me it was ok, the sink was clean, so it was no big deal.
Well, I thought that was only him trying to make me feel better, but my mom took it as him calling her dirty, like "if it was her cooking it would be bad, but I'm a clean person, unlike her, so it's fine". So my mom started yelling at him, and saying what he meant by that, and he pretty much just said what I just wrote. My mom tried to hit him, she said he was gonna hit her. I separated them and got angry and yelled at them, I told them I was tired of this happening every day, not this exactly, but fighting in general. It was pretty much a temper tantrum, I hit the sink with my fist and yelled at them, "you are acting like children, you're not the only ones here, you have kids" I tried to walk away to calm down, and finish my dinner like I promise, but I lost my appetite. My das came to talk to me, but it's not talking, it never is, he's just trying to pit me again my mom, and she does the same. I told them to leave, and spend some more time trying to eat, but I couldn't. I'm now locked in the bathroom, my das spend a good 30min trying to shame me into opening the door, he even got a key and tried to forcefully open it, put I also have a key inside and hold it shut. He talked about how worried he is "if I get that", to come all and sleep on my bed, that we had plans for tomorrow and that they were childish, later he changed the script to, "your mom is childish" and them "you're childish and worse them your mom". I don't care. I don't want even the slight possibility of them coming into my space and trying to convince me of anything. I said they were being childish again, that they are too old for petty bickering like this, I told him me locking myself in the bathroom is just the way I have to express myself, he said there are better ways, so I told him to go try them because this is the one I chose.
I'm tired of this, I'm tired of fighting and doing the bendiest mental gymnastics to try and still se my parents in a positive light, but I have spent the last 3 house trying to find a distraction to the thoughts of self harm I'm having. It's not like I ever done it before, or like I want to, but I just need them to know how much this isn't just about them, I keep thinking about how I just wanted to get the two of them in a room and dump all the kitchen wear in front of them, them stab myself and scream at them to just finish the job, if they like hitting each other so much they can just kill me and end my pain in the meantime. I told them it's not just about them, I told my dad that if he thought it was going to be just about, he shouldn't have had kids, but he just played stupid. He said me and my brother had our own lives, that it wasn't about us, it has nothing to do with us.
But it does. My dad antagonizes my mom and brother, my mom antagonizes him, they just love talking to us about how the other one it's terrible, stupid, bad at everything, if I do some chores in a way they don't like, they just blame one another, if anything happens, it's the fault of one of them. We are dependent on our parents, and we will be for many years, it is about us, we are in the middle of it. I was literally in the middle of it.
I know I'm not a grown up, I don't know everything, not about money issues, not about love, or anything about their relationship, but it's not fair for them to just expect us to ignore all of this, to just pick a side and treat the other like they do. We already aren't close to our extended family, I don't have any friends, I have nowhere to run away to, I'm scare to go outside and of my future, and I can't even talk to my parents. All I do is walk on eggshells around them, every conversation is like decoding a bomb, I want to be honest and open about what I think, but if I say anything they don't like them in just like mom, I'm just like dad. I'm literally both of you, why is it so hard to accept that? What can't they see how talking like that affects other?? My dad just wants to manipulate me into being on his side, he's the one who cares, we are similar, your not like you mom, or your brother, you care about me don't you? I'm tired, I want a friend, I want to go away and never come back, I want them to talk like calm civilized people for once, it would solve so many issues. I just graduated high school, I'm a useless kid who can't do anything and definitely can't survive on my own, I don't have any friends, my brother and I aren't close, I have no family outside of this, I'm all alone and trapped in this house. I always close the door so I won't bother my family, I wear earbuds till I get headaches, I'm not a good or even barely close to perfect child, but I just want a peaceful life, where, even if my family doesn't get along, or doesn't live together, I just want to not have to worry about them hurting each other. I'm tired

    Sev December 27, 2023 5:41 am

    Im so sorry this is happening to you dear. Im not sure how old you are and you sound very young...and as an adult its truly heartbreaking to hear you going through something honestly pretty traumatic at such a young age. First of all please do not harm yourself, its not youre fault!!! Youre parents should not be talking about their personal relationship issues with a child. Your father especially telling you he didnt wamt children breaks my soul. No parent should ever tell this to their child. This is a major breach of boundries between a parent and a child and you are doing a very mature thing which is reminding them of these boundries and you wish to have no part in. Its like they are using you as their own personal therapist. Its not right. But it happens ALL the time. Its sad to say but i went through the same thing and it was pretty traumatic. Theres nothung worse than the powerless feeling of being a confused child forced to witness and participate in your own parents disputes, scandals, dirty laundry, and being expected to just..mentally deal with that at the age of a child. Sad to say as you grow up you realize Youre parents are just human, they are flawed and a lot of the time make horrible decisions even with the huge responsibility of raising children. I will say though as you grow up i promise things will get better please dont harm yourself life gets better and you are such a valuable person in this world, just stand strong and stand youre ground and tell them you refuse to take part in their behaviour, and they have no right bringing this up to a child. Hopefully they will get a grip and leave you and your brother out of it!!! Much love dear <3

    Milk with sugar December 27, 2023 5:42 am

    Also, I went my ex bestfriend party last year, I got black out drunk. I was pretty depressed during that time, and apparently I was yelling about killing myself from the window of her room, and, since we are neighbors, she called my parents to help take care of me. I don't remember anything after sharing a couple of drinks and talking about I absolutely wouldn't puke, because my dad is an alcoholic, anyway, my mother came, I apparently needed a shower bc I puked all over, and she felt it was beat to just, you know, cut my clothes out of my body and leave me pretty much completely naked in somebody else's house. Literally CUT the clothes, my favorite shirt, out of my body, while I was blacked out and suicidal. I also bit her that night, probably because she was not supposed to be there and suddenly I had an adult just out of nowhere cutting the clothes off my body, no big deal. So anyway, she proceeded to try and guilt trip me into felling like she was some poor little victim who got randomly attack, but I could fell in my gut that she done something. She made me put pomade on the bite, that didn't even break skin, and she kept looking at me like I was supposed to fell oh so bad. I only find out what she did a month later, because I overheard she shit talking me behind my back to my godmother. And I don't know if it is because my brain is rotten from manga, or if it's bc I woke up naked on a random bed, expecting my friend to be next to me, only to have her there, if it was her attempt guilt trip, or her talking shit about me, but I felt, for a good Three months, like that was definitely assault, I know it's an over reaction and she's my mom, but waking up unexpectedly naked next to someone you didn't want to wake up next to, and to find out that not only did they try to make it all you fault, but that they put you in that position in the first place, took videos of you while you where unconscious and we're also talking bad about you to others just sounds pretty bad morally. But it's my mom, so I guess I should just forget about it and move on, I'm the one at faut anyway

Milk with sugar December 4, 2023 12:59 am

Does anyone know this one fantasy adventure manga about a anthropologist or something, he travels around with this young werewolf girl and meets alligator people and compliments theis scales, which is a whole thing. Please please please help me find it, it's been years;0;0;0;

    Miau December 4, 2023 3:40 am

    heterogenia linguistico?

    Milk with sugar December 4, 2023 3:45 am
    heterogenia linguistico? Miau

    YES OMG, thank you thank you (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )

    Miau December 4, 2023 7:36 am
    YES OMG, thank you thank you (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) Milk with sugar

    Yayy happy I could help!! :)))

Milk with sugar December 24, 2020 12:59 am

Heey, if anyone has any recommendations of some fluffy yaoi, i'm so tired of the rapey and toxic sh*t, all I want is some hot sex and a cute love story plz ༎‿༎

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