I fucking hate them together, don't see the chemistry or appeal at all. I can't imagine liking a guy like that, or wanting to be in such an unstable, unsure and honestly, at all points abusive like this. At this point I'm just reading to complete the manga ┐(´ー`)┌
I'll keep reading but what the hail

So the brother is dating his mom then

Seems his mum had some issues to deal with. Wouldn’t surprise me if they’re a cross dresser or something to try and feel more “normal”? I went back and checked the picture. Seems like a very straight woman’s body if that makes sense? The authors kinda made it so you see other hair colours but pinks only seen on the mc. It does feel deliberate that they both have pink hair. It could also be a sibling maybe? Perhaps his mum was one of those omegas who was always having babies….

Was rereading this and I got to say, the first 15 chapters feel soooo much like straight-relationship-from-the male-pov, w ya-rin just bending over backwards to maintain a relationship with this guy who treats him like shit from day 1 and he has no actual connection to. Even the whole "noooo Im really ok with keeping things casual, I would never expect you to actually make me happy, and even tho I'm much more successful than you, and staying with you is making my job harder and literally disregulating my hormones, the only thing I could ever want it's to be w I bby" - that's how it kinda felt to read it
Then whatever his name gets away w it bc he got trauma, and still gets treated like the ideal man later on, with the full "we were meant to be together" feelings
And the whole thing about him supporting ya-rin financially even tho he is just getting his career started and ya-rin is an actual celebrity??
I still enjoy the story, but looking at it a bit closer is a no-go for enjoyment

So her big pitty party story is that her mother, which she recognised was neglectful, didn't wish her a happy birthday. And that somehow prompted her to:
Abandoned all her friends, out of her own choice,
Go live in the country side, out of her own choice, and
Be allowed time and space to fell loved and cared for even if the environment she's in isn't ideal or "normal". Cool, whatever.
But somehow, after CHOOSING to completely abandon the ideia of normalcy FOR HERSELF, OUT OF HER OWN ACCORD, she decides that the ml also choosing something outside the norm is too much?
So, pretty much, you regret leaving the life you lived until now, regret trying to find your ideia of happiness in a different manner, and watching someone make a choice to live their own happiness pisses u off BC I regret your own choices???
Like, stfu, go get a job girl
They are so fucking dramatic