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Hana March 3, 2020 2:23 am

I have a hunch going to turn up pregnant and the baby will be Isaacs

Hana February 27, 2020 4:03 am

Yo imagine you being their age maybe six or seven - ten years old and having your sister whom you loved dearly die right before your eyes not even after a month of her death her parents replace her with some girl they found on the Street. Better yet it seems that they treat her far better than their own three boys, course they're going to be angry and hate her and replacing their sister and "taking their parents"and only maybe a year after their sisters passing their parents up and die on them. they're dealing with so many emotions at one time and don't know how to stop feeling bad so they're taking it out on Hari, because "it's her fault that their parents don't favor her more than them" " it's her fault her parents are forgetting about their sister". But Hari wasn't doing anything about it she was just sitting down and letting them walk over her she's also at fault here, she didn't even make the attempt to try and form a relationship with these boys she just sat there and cried

Seriously why aren't you guys looking at the bigger picture? They're freaking children one of them lost their own twin sister someone they came into the world with he must have felt worse than any of the boys especially when people are now mistaking Hari is being his sister seriously come on they're so young of course they're going to act like this.

    thotsuki February 27, 2020 4:16 am

    I got your point, and I agree but she doesn't have to 'try' to form a relationship with people that hates her lmao
    she let them walk all over her, yeah but she's just a child too she didn't know any better, like the boys

    The ones at fault here are the parents, they rejected their children and replaced their deceased daughter with Hari, they're the only ones to blame
    ┑( ̄ ︿  ̄)┍

    Hana February 27, 2020 4:24 am
    I got your point, and I agree but she doesn't have to 'try' to form a relationship with people that hates her lmaoshe let them walk all over her, yeah but she's just a child too she didn't know any better, like... thotsuki

    Everyone's orders at fault here ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    But yes she does, I mean why the hell would you not want to try to get along with people who are going to be your brothers notice the second time around when she started acting her normal self around them they liked her more then that wimpy Cry-Baby goody-two-shoes of a girl they used to know and they don't hate her you can see it in their expressions they or just mad their parents replace their dead sister so fast and they can't take it out on the parents so they're trying to get Hari to hate living with them so that she can go back to wherever she came from but I'm glad to see their relationships getting better because she's actually talking with them

    Pacgirl February 27, 2020 4:51 am
    Everyone's orders at fault here ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭But yes she does, I mean why the hell would you not want to try to get along with people who are going to be your brothers notice the second time around when she... Hana

    Well she was acting like herself the first time around right? It just the first time she was actually just a kid who didn't know any better and couldn't help but cry? I mean her normal self is just her adult version replacing her kid self? Or did I miss something about her first life.

    Hana February 27, 2020 4:59 am
    Well she was acting like herself the first time around right? It just the first time she was actually just a kid who didn't know any better and couldn't help but cry? I mean her normal self is just her adult ve... Pacgirl

    Nah she was just really awkward I mean she was just snatched up and put into you this family with a bunch of kids you are still grieving

    Hana February 27, 2020 5:00 am
    Well she was acting like herself the first time around right? It just the first time she was actually just a kid who didn't know any better and couldn't help but cry? I mean her normal self is just her adult ve... Pacgirl

    -how she really Acts is what is underneath all of that awkwardness and shyness I mean seriously she's been acting the same way since childhood just behind closed doors

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