1) On the topic of notices: they are..... weird. I’ve never seen anyone go ‘hey guys I’m calling this manga and will update later’. It’s fine if it’s just one person (maybe), but I think if scan groups did that it would be chaos, tens of new manga, all no content just ‘will update later’. I get (and appreciate) that the Uploader was trying to spread awareness but....... it’s kinda weird and I don’t know how I feel about it, as a reader AND a scanlator. Now with mangago’s new instant uploading system, mangas/webtoons are getting all these ‘notices/extras’ chapters from uploaders saying someone uploaded over them/sorry for uploading over them, etc. It sucks cause other scanlators work are getting pushed off the front page by false updates
2) On the topic of renta. A rule in scanlation is to not touch anything that has been licensed. Just because of morality reasons and we know we’re taking away from oversees sales so the least we can do is stop when it’s licensed. Also....... nearly no translator wants to have their translation compared to the official English one and have all the tl mistakes pointed out. VERY embarrassing . A little counterproductive too.
But the weirdest thing to me is the Uploader ‘took’ the first pages of the English Renta preview??? Like they started translating after the preview??? So they knew the English version existed and instead of posting that they tried to tl?? That’s just weird to me, that you know there’s a better version out there but you still want show everyone yours. Also.... if it’s a retranslation you’re supposed to keep the credit pages of the Spanish group after asking permission???
I guess in the end, I don’t really know how to feel, other than I know it feels weird. As a scanlator I’m like all like ‘notices are frustrating for the reader experience, if you can’t typeset/tl don’t put out a chapter that looks and sounds bad, don’t retranslate without permission, it’s a rule not to scan/upload licensed stuff’, but on the other hand as a reader I’m like ‘legit I’m grateful for anything I can get, as long as the work is understandable I’m happy’
LOL SO IM TORN, though I know the majority of scanlator would be upset by this and I don’t think this should be the norm
What I look for in a yaoi? Good artwork, good coupling, and of course good storyline. My favorites though, are the ones with couples that have domineering semes that really adore their ukes and know what makes them lose their minds in bed. I love, love, love it when ukes are so lost with pleasure that their bodies are not even theirs anymore, it'......
some of yall bout to be real mad at me but this shit is borderline trash bruh. i dont know WHO allowed this story to remain on the home page for a couple weeks but yall are TRIPPIN i tell you. out of all the isekai manhwa.. YALL LET THIS BITCH TAKE OVER???? hell nah, let my girl melissa (or LITERALLY ANYBODY ELSE) rightfully take their spot back.......
Ya all, I have some news for you guys. Admins are turning off comment secti...