sorry but the second he started talking about only marrying a virgin I'd have responded "so you can be a whore with a body count as high as the distance from here to the moon, but a woman who had one partner while she was daring is unmarryable to you? why should her chastity matter if yours don't? ew." and break up with him right then and there, those kinds of things is like a waterhose to the fire of passion to me.
yet anothwr case of 2 stubborn ppl that creates unnecessary misunderstanding bc they assume thing and think they know best without ever making sure of the truth or telling their loved ones about their decisions.
you can't build a relationship without trust, and that goes from being trustworthy to trsuting the other and those 2 idiots are neither
ppl who might as well be mute, blind and deaf and it wouldn't change a thing in the story bc they are incapable of paying attention to their loved ones and communicate with them. too obnubalated on their own little island of suffering to see that they're not alone in the sea and that the waves they create can make others suffer too.