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becbecface November 4, 2019 1:24 am

I really loved this and it's definitely an instant favourite but my hope is for a sequel that can progress Ethan and Jimmy's relationship while giving some more information on Jimmy's background (since it's clearly there waiting to be revealed) and put some more stuff into the side characters (like I'm super interested in the guy who knew Jimmy from the talent agency but was friends with Ethan) and having Jimmy connect with some of those characters instead of just Ethan could be cool.

For those who are confused about Blue's situation I personally think it doesn't need to be cleared up too much since the outline of what happened is there. His twin brother died when they were young. His name was Sea which is why when Ethan said the stuff about the name Blue reminding him of the sea he cried. He didn't really want Ethan as a lover, just as another brother really.

Something I really appreciate about this is the look into family being something you can choose in your life. "Found families" are important but it's okay to not want a family of any kind and just live your life without the idea that you owe a family anything. This is really important to know for a lot of cases (especially in abuse) so I was happy to see it discussed even vaguely)

Sorry for the long rant. It was one of the better comics I've seen for a while.

becbecface October 24, 2019 12:40 am

Ahhh when I started reading I thought he was ace demi-aro and got excited but he probably isn't... Still I liked it!

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