Coccchanel August 15, 2016 4:49 pm

Readers! If you want updates, turn to Evil Flowers Scanlations. Help and aid them! Donate anything, big or small. Even better – if you can translate, edit or scan, offer your help to the group. They'll appreciate it and you'll get your updates faster ( ̄▽ ̄)

Coccchanel August 11, 2016 11:05 pm

As much as I adore the manga, I do have a problem with how lightly the bullying and the bullies of Mishima are handled. Liking someone, nor having a similar situation, don't justify bullying. As someone who was bullied in middle school, I've lived with the trauma for nearly 8–9 years as a result and still heal the scars it left. And I wasn't as heavily bullied as Mishima.

    sophie_A August 12, 2016 4:29 am

    Is true, and i personally don't like how he forgive the teacher so easy too. He was a rapist.

    Coccchanel August 12, 2016 10:49 pm
    Is true, and i personally don't like how he forgive the teacher so easy too. He was a rapist. sophie_A

    Me neither. I don't think it sends a good message to readers. They should've reported it to authorities, as all crimes IRL, considering that the teacher would most likely do it again.

Coccchanel June 14, 2016 7:53 pm

Seriously, why haven't the scanners released anything yet? Neither of them! C'mon, why are both so slow? ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Coccchanel May 19, 2016 9:09 pm

I'm in love with this manga! However. . .

(Spoiler Alert)

I think it's very clear that Mariko will end up with Niram, though I think she deserves so much better. Though you're an honest person, do f*cking think about others feelings before you state something "honest" (actually straight-up rude) about someone's beloved! Shun's a creep and I hate him too. He better have a good explanation, or else…

    Coccchanel May 19, 2016 9:09 pm

    Man… I couldn't hide my spoiler alert(/TДT)/

    Anonymous July 11, 2016 3:22 pm

    Is it really true then I'll so gonna read it(⌒▽⌒)

Coccchanel October 24, 2015 9:53 pm

Onodera's low self-esteem regarding his work is starting to get annoying at this point (vol 8, by now). Whenever Takano tells him the truth, he only takes it as "Oh, he's trying to cheer me up...?" No, man, he's utterly honest #-.-)

Also, I don't get why Onodera is an easy pushover when it comes to mostly any character he meets, except for Takano. It's annoying that he cares about other's perception of him. He's 26 but acts a lot more like a high school student.

    Ao.May October 24, 2015 10:29 pm

    . . . Can't comment that . . .
    Coz, I'm just like Onodera right now... I hv a low confidence of myself and when ppl r telling me about my gud part, to me it's only to cheer me up. So, I can't dislike Onodera... I wonder if it's coz melancholic? (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 Well, whatever.

    Coccchanel October 25, 2015 5:03 pm
    . . . Can't comment that . . .Coz, I'm just like Onodera right now... I hv a low confidence of myself and when ppl r telling me about my gud part, to me it's only to cheer me up. So, I can't dislike Onodera... ... Ao.May

    I understand that people have low self-esteem. However, this man is 26 years old, and at that age, most have rather good self-esteem. If they don't, it's mostly because something big has happened to affect them. But thus far, nothing indicates that Onodera has gone through anything rather traumatic in order to bring down his self-esteem ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Ao.May October 25, 2015 6:14 pm

    I'm 20 by the way. Hahahahaha!
    Maybe he has low self-esteem coz the way his mother acted to him all these time? Speaking of it, I suddenly want to know Onodera's parent.

    ==[::^o.o^] October 28, 2015 2:39 am

    I think his low self-esteem is because he doesn't see himself as a good editor and wants to improve. He's a fairly new to editing shoujo manga, and it never said he was a good editor for literatures, just that he had advantages because his parents.

    NoName October 30, 2015 2:44 pm

    Hi Coccchanel!
    I am 24 and my personality is a lot of as Onodera´s. Maybe that is the reason why I like his character. I do not have problem with self esteem, but 2 years ago I was wretched. I pushed away everyone, who wanted to help me. I have the same issue as Onodera. I was hurt in past and I am afraid of loving someone again or just get too close to people.
    I know it has to be really annoying for other people, but not everyone is same.

    Kaori October 31, 2015 6:40 pm
    . . . Can't comment that . . .Coz, I'm just like Onodera right now... I hv a low confidence of myself and when ppl r telling me about my gud part, to me it's only to cheer me up. So, I can't dislike Onodera... ... Ao.May

    yeah...i'm like him too even when it concerns relationships i would think just like him so i get why he's scared but he really should stop torturing takano and tell him he loves him
    if someone loved like takano loves ritsu i wouldn't wait a secound even if 'im scared

    Kaori October 31, 2015 6:45 pm
    I understand that people have low self-esteem. However, this man is 26 years old, and at that age, most have rather good self-esteem. If they don't, it's mostly because something big has happened to affect them... Coccchanel

    maybe when he taught that his sempai didn't love him that completly wrecked his self-esteem
    no now that i think about it he probably didn't have any either at that time so maybe the incident with takano just finished him off

    Coccchanel October 31, 2015 10:40 pm
    maybe when he taught that his sempai didn't love him that completly wrecked his self-esteemno now that i think about it he probably didn't have any either at that time so maybe the incident with takano just fin... Kaori

    I don't think he had much self-esteem to begin with either ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Anony-chan November 3, 2015 6:00 pm

    Believe me, it doesn't matter whether you're a teen or 26 if you have been betrayed (whether you believe you were or actually were) it keeps haunting you, even if you have people who say: "i love you" or "you're a good friend", somewhere in your mind you just can't help but to think: "what if they don't like me" or "they just get close to hurt me". I thought like that for a long time ( i was bullied when i was in primary school and lost everybit of self confidence i had and it just stuck that way, you know) now i have my bff and with her i can be myself and trust my life with her (figure of speech), but with others i keep thinking that they will hurt me somehow even if they tell me they like me (romantic, wich has never happend, or friendly). I want to trust them, but i can't help it. just like Onodera. What he needs is a big push in the back :)

    Anony-chan November 3, 2015 6:01 pm
    Believe me, it doesn't matter whether you're a teen or 26 if you have been betrayed (whether you believe you were or actually were) it keeps haunting you, even if you have people who say: "i love you" or "you'r... Anony-chan

    Oh, this applies to people outside of my family with me, i trust my family. :)

    Kjirkoh November 16, 2015 9:30 am

    not only at work, but in his personal relationships as well. at the moment is the character I like the least. he's so annoying. his behaviour looks like a 14 yo. he already knows that his own lame self esteem caused the whole mess between Takano. his low self esteem caused him to misunderstood Takano and hurt himself and Takano. he sleeps with Takano, then keep bitching about Takano and behaving like a freaking 14 yo kid.

    Himiko lily May 20, 2016 2:41 am
    maybe when he taught that his sempai didn't love him that completly wrecked his self-esteemno now that i think about it he probably didn't have any either at that time so maybe the incident with takano just fin... Kaori

    wow i should really read what i'm writing before posting it! but i'm always in a hurry and too lazy so even if i see that i made huge spelling mistakes i don't correct them!
    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Himiko lily May 20, 2016 2:47 am
    maybe when he taught that his sempai didn't love him that completly wrecked his self-esteemno now that i think about it he probably didn't have any either at that time so maybe the incident with takano just fin... Kaori

    people don't be so hard on onodera!! i love him even with all his issues!! if it weren't for him and his(i have to admit) his stupid behavior the story wouldn't have existed and wouldn't be nearly as good as it is right now! it pains me to see takano suffer but i also enjoy it very much it's very entertaining! and i justfind it hilarious that at the end of each chapter he insults him and keep thinking "are you serious?! are you serious?! are you serious?!" or "are you an idiot?! are you an idiot.?!..

    Himiko lily May 20, 2016 2:53 am
    Believe me, it doesn't matter whether you're a teen or 26 if you have been betrayed (whether you believe you were or actually were) it keeps haunting you, even if you have people who say: "i love you" or "you'r... Anony-chan

    i agree i always think about all these stuff and all but even if i'm really insecure i can't show it! i think he should learn how to bluff! isn't he ashamed that everyone knows that he's insecure and has low self esteem?
    i know feelings don't have anything to do with age but the way he acts and doesn't try to hide it, for me that's immature!
    i really have no self esteem but i can't let people know that i don't know why but i just can't so i bluff and even try to look overly confident!

    Himiko lily May 20, 2016 2:56 am
    Believe me, it doesn't matter whether you're a teen or 26 if you have been betrayed (whether you believe you were or actually were) it keeps haunting you, even if you have people who say: "i love you" or "you'r... Anony-chan

    i really can't imagine myself trusting someone completely someday... i don't even trust my sister and cousins who were like brothers to me...
    this why i like this manga! i love stories where the characters have trust and confidence issues

Coccchanel June 17, 2015 9:12 pm

As sweet and funny this story is, there's something lacking. The tiger-part isn't as emphasized as it should've been in order to matter for the plot. Remove the small (and extremely cute) moments of the tiger, and you'd come to the story's actual theme: the romance between a passionate, young woman and an emotionally surpressed young man.

The author should've made the tiger have more matter, such as the case in Anata ni Hana o Sasagemashou. Because the supernatural part of the plot suffers a lot in this story. Here, the tiger simply becomes fan-service.

Also, the story is highly based on conversations than actual plot. There's not much happening in this story except for rather typical dating experiences with nice twists and a whole lot of talking bubbles.

Otherwise, it's a good story. If you like a nice romance and absolutely amazing art from an equally amazing mangaka, this is a story for you! And remember to check out her newer work as well. A strong recommendation is Anata ni Hana o Sasagemashou!

Coccchanel June 14, 2015 8:49 pm

I find Rea stupid, to be honest. She has Rakin there, who's willing to destroy worlds for her. Yet she chases after that Kainen. This reminds me so much of a picture I saw earlier today: a boy left a girl heartbroken. Then boy number 2 offers his heart to the girl; she ignores him and goes after the first boy who broke her heart.
I'm rooting so much for Rea and Rakin - but most of all Rakin. Mainly because I can't understand Rea's stupidity. She's like a masochist, who accepts the pain in exchange for moments of imagined passion and love. Geez woman, learn to let go!

    Coccchanel June 14, 2015 8:59 pm

    Also, I forgot to mention: Kainen is so gawddamn annoying. He knows what Rea feels for him. Yet, he won't return her feelings nor leave her alone. That's a true sadist folks. . .

    Anonymous April 20, 2016 12:34 am
    Also, I forgot to mention: Kainen is so gawddamn annoying. He knows what Rea feels for him. Yet, he won't return her feelings nor leave her alone. That's a true sadist folks. . . Coccchanel

    I so agree but I can't help but love both of them I think I understood her a little just a little because I have loved 2 boys before but they weren't I'm under God because then I would just die I wish he was like two seconds to late and she died I would feel come pleat

Coccchanel May 28, 2015 9:43 pm

Ridiculous and confusing with a douche for a love interest. Not my kind of tea

Coccchanel May 28, 2015 9:09 pm

A rushed plot, a confusing male love interest, uncaring mother, stupid and bitchy temptress and manager – there's wasn't really any character to like here. The only one I felt was sympathy for was the heroine. And the story as a whole was rushed and lacking, which was a shame since the original idea would've been adopted into something so good if it had been done right

Coccchanel May 28, 2015 8:34 pm

Not really my kind of story. The man had no personality, and the mangaka focused way too much on the art than on the plot, which was lacking. But I think the original story might've been quite good. Today it wasn't portrayed in the best ways in this adoption

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