There seems to be some confusion about whether or not he saw the guy spike the drink or not, um imma try clear things up as best as I can. So....
Bitch guy spikes girl’s drink
Professor is too preoccupied by the messages on his phone and knocks over his own drink (prof’s drink) onto bitch guy’s pants.
Guy starts bitching, prof is like well what do u want me to do? I already apologized.
Girl comes back and asks what happened, why guy’s pants were stained. Guy points out prof to her, she thinks he’s handsome. Guy’s annoyed then girl is annoyed then girl leaves without drinking.
Guy comes back cause he’s a bitch and he’s annoyed prof unwittingly ruined his evil schemes.
Guy is like, hey I’m sorry I was rude to you before, here have this (the drugged drink), it’s the same as the one you had before, take this as me apologizing to you.
Prof is like oh ok thanks and bam the drugs take effect and he’s unconscious.
I think that’s what happened? Otherwise things wouldn’t make sense haha. Correct me if I’m wrong tho.

Silver is a bit of an ass isn't he >:’D
So like, I understand why he’d feel upset in that relationship, and I also understand why he’d want to break it off, BUT, silver didn’t even try to communicate. Like, hey bf, my beloved, my one and only, I feel upset in this relationship and I was wondering if you can, like, embrace our wonderful gay relationship with open arms, or at least work towards accepting it, so that I don’t feel like trash. But no, communication seems to be a mythological beast in this series, in the way that it doesn’t exist. Oh and, silver’s other reason for breaking up was also “oh my bf isn’t happy so I’ll break up in the most insensitive way ever cause he totally wouldn’t feel confused and upset and that would totally cheer him up hahaha logic!”
So yeah.
Art is good tho.
Omg wow the art is gorgeous, everyone is so beautiful~~ I’m so excited :D