Mega_Trap want to do ( All 1 )

make fujoshi friends

Mega_Trap's experience ( All 1 )

Dropped so many manga simply because of plot! Art idc about but dumb plot kills me! Simplified Pervert Romance I dropped after the first 5 pages cause of how dumb the explanation was for his "kink." Cherry Blossoms after Spring...Haebom is my cinnamon roll but the whole "I never talked to you cause of what happened when we were young"thing is just......   reply
05 06,2020

Mega_Trap's answer ( All 3 )

Aww, the smug priestess lol! Sounds like an Inuyasha OC   reply
23 02,2021
about scared of
@_@ People need to stop pro-creating so willy nilly. This is the result of these hoes over Takumi! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
18 08,2020
American fujoshi here!! I'm so excited to have joined recently (●´ω`●) Join the server so we can have more friends! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧   1 reply
20 05,2020

Mega_Trap's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did fall for a same sex person


2 hours
did fall for a same sex person

i still fell for her till this day..and man she was my first awakening too. even tho we don’t talk anymore i’m just admiring her from afar

7 hours
did explain your username

I honestly typed a bunch of the same letter, it isn't squealing hahah

10 hours