dear Khaol,
I wish you die in pain you MF and let me say this do you know how hard it is to be in River's shoes?huh?ik ik you experienced that too and blah blah blah but do you know how hard is it being used by someone you love?huh?DO YOU KNOW??HUH??DO YOU KNOW??in honesty I liked you but turns out you're a digusting bitch who will use anyone just to get somethimg they want AND YOU KNOW WHAT?YOU DESERVE WHAT YOU GOT AND DON'T FUCKING ASK River FOR HELP YOU SON OF A BITCH...hope you die in pain
from:Sakura and probably everyone who read this
Darn it! Someone beat me to it.
Goshhhhh i've always rewatch it..i can't get bored at it mannn...