raindragon August 3, 2020 6:05 am

why do people say uwu about manga? oowoo? what is that?

    yumiko August 3, 2020 6:06 am

    theyre cute faces LOL
    uwu owo
    so like if they see something cute rhey use owo or uwu

    raindragon August 3, 2020 6:39 am

    I don't see faces. lol I see letters. and they spell oowoo. LOL what part of the letters show faces? I really don't get it, ooowooo's. how is uwu a face? oowoo Ohwoh LMAO. sorry

    neopoli August 3, 2020 6:47 am
    I don't see faces. lol I see letters. and they spell oowoo. LOL what part of the letters show faces? I really don't get it, ooowooo's. how is uwu a face? oowoo Ohwoh LMAO. sorry raindragon

    lmao ok so the u is kinda like a closed eye, and the w is the mouth. y'know like when you draw a cartoon-y cat or smth and the mouth is just w, its like that. its eye mouth eye horizontally

    raindragon August 3, 2020 7:08 am
    lmao ok so the u is kinda like a closed eye, and the w is the mouth. y'know like when you draw a cartoon-y cat or smth and the mouth is just w, its like that. its eye mouth eye horizontally neopoli

    omg. you should be a writer for being able to describe that. thank you for the explanation! (LOL I still don't see it, but I'm working hard. I'm starting to get a headache from staring at uwu for so long. lmao

    raindragon August 3, 2020 12:45 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! wassupbee

    I saw it! On the -- super ugly - cute kitty! ty! UwU man. what did I just look at. LOL still THANKs uwu

raindragon July 26, 2020 4:19 am

A commenter keeps talking down to me in a comment section, and I can't defend myself because they have me blocked (I don't know them. they just showed up and already had me blocked).
Right now I'm decensoring a manhwa, but they keep telling me how I should rewrite it, and what not to include that they and their friends don't like, and how I should learn from experience how to make a better story next time I made a new topic and told her I'm not the author, but she isn't listening. How could they keep talking about an author (who I admire so much) as if they know better than she does how to create her own art? Really, it makes my blood boil. LOL
Aren't they're being a bully, picking on an author and a mere decensorer, neither of whom can defend themselves? Any suggestion, or even support? LOL I'm just so tired of this treatment.

    temaratempura July 26, 2020 4:21 am

    its you again.... #-.-)

    Dumb_shit_420 July 26, 2020 4:22 am

    Bruh that person sounds really shitty. Tbh I can't offer you any advice except to block them. Sorry you had to deal with that.

    Ari July 26, 2020 4:22 am

    Block them so they stop pulling this crap

    shinsobb July 26, 2020 4:34 am

    drop their @

    rosie July 26, 2020 4:39 am

    that's so annoying. i understand how it feels to get all boiled up over some random ass on the internet. don't let it get to you, otherwise they win! we've got UR BACK :)

    honeycrickete July 26, 2020 4:58 am

    at the end of the day, theyre feeding off the attention, once you stoop feeding it to them, theyll stop

    raindragon July 26, 2020 7:30 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Lesllie

    okay, I'll do that ty

    raindragon July 26, 2020 7:33 am
    at the end of the day, theyre feeding off the attention, once you stoop feeding it to them, theyll stop honeycrickete

    thank you. I usually fight back. maybe yours is a better way that's what I'll do then. thanks :)

    raindragon July 26, 2020 7:34 am
    Bruh that person sounds really shitty. Tbh I can't offer you any advice except to block them. Sorry you had to deal with that. Dumb_shit_420

    you're very kind. I really appreciate it. it's rare. thank you so much

    raindragon July 26, 2020 7:36 am
    Block them so they stop pulling this crap Ari

    I guess I should try that. it's probably a good suggestion, and I haven't tried it before. thank you so much. these suggestions really do mean a lot to me

    raindragon July 26, 2020 7:38 am
    that's so annoying. i understand how it feels to get all boiled up over some random ass on the internet. don't let it get to you, otherwise they win! we've got UR BACK :) rosie

    believe it or not, these words comforted me so much. just hearing "we've got your back" is strengthening. I never knew that before. I usually fight, which is lonely, you know?

    raindragon July 26, 2020 7:41 am
    its you again.... #-.-) temaratempura

    hello it's me. do you recognize these lyrics? Hello it's me, I've thought about us for a long long time. maybe I think too much but something's wrong. there's something here that doesn't last too long. sometimes I can't help seeing all the way through you. LOL

    rosie July 26, 2020 7:58 am
    believe it or not, these words comforted me so much. just hearing "we've got your back" is strengthening. I never knew that before. I usually fight, which is lonely, you know? raindragon

    yeah, definitely feels lonely when someone toxic is attacking you, but no one is defending you. i'm glad to hear i was able to help in some way! but seriously, there's a lot of shitty people, but there's a lot of good people on this site who are willing to defend you, if someone is giving you trouble. so we definitely got your back x2.

    temaratempura July 27, 2020 8:56 pm
    hello it's me. do you recognize these lyrics? Hello it's me, I've thought about us for a long long time. maybe I think too much but something's wrong. there's something here that doesn't last too long. some... raindragon

    I recognized you from your translating work (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    raindragon July 27, 2020 9:19 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! laurphia

    telling me that I should rewrite the story and learn how todo it better, without rape, for the future. How could they even think I was the author of a Korean manhwa? Also that they would speak that way if they could to a skilled, talented author and artist really was infuriating. Along with some other insults that came from a person whose name implied that they were actually an older adult. They were telling me, a free absolutist, that rape in fiction should be banned so that authors couldn't write about it

    raindragon July 27, 2020 9:20 pm
    I recognized you from your translating work (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ temaratempura

    thank you so much. I'll have to remember who you are for the future

    UzzlangGoddess July 28, 2020 5:51 am

    Honestly ignore them cause I’m the same way like you always quick to fight back with ppl lol but people is just immature or simply closed minded. Of course rape is a bad thing in rl but this is a book and also Japanese/Koreans are known for writing a lot of kinky rapey manga/manwah. If people can’t handle that and are overly sensitive then they are better off just not reading the book and just leave a dislike they don’t have to put a rude comment and make people days worse. Honestly mangago should have an update where you could turn off the comments on mature books. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

raindragon July 13, 2020 10:16 pm

in a discussion about omegaverse today, several people spoke directly to me, then I was blocked. It's wrong to talk to a person then make it so they can't answer you. It's rude, and it's an abuse of the tools mangago has provided to prevent truly disruptive posts, not so you can get in the last word, which is childish and inappropriate.
You don't stand a chance in the real world if you need a block button to avoid the people around you.

    raindragon July 13, 2020 11:04 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! betty big head

    I sometimes just start a new topic and talk to them using their name. LOL It really is rude and hateful. You shouldn't have to put up with such snubs imo.

raindragon July 12, 2020 6:00 pm

why? There's comments on Put a Smile On, but I'm not seeing any of them show up on the feed. Meanwhile, BJ Alex and Love is an Illusion fill up the feed to where all you see is their manhwa covers marching down the feed. wtf?

    DED =_= July 12, 2020 6:06 pm

    Um, maybe it's cuz they change every 4 to 5 mins?¿

    raindragon July 12, 2020 6:22 pm
    Um, maybe it's cuz they change every 4 to 5 mins?¿ DED =_=

    maybe you're right. I'm checking a lot but not seeing it. Thank you for the information, though. If mangago edits the feed I respect that they have every right to do so. just curious

raindragon July 8, 2020 11:06 pm

LOL I guess I have to run another ad for
there's wild rape debate in the comments that will shake your teeth and rattle your bones. lmao

raindragon July 7, 2020 5:23 am

Put On A Smile has been hotly debated for the last 24 hours but I don't see it showing up in the feed very often. On the other hand, BJ Alex sleezy manhwa is all over the feed.
Does mangago edit the feed? Does anyone know? If they do, I respect their right to do that. I'm just curious.... and I hate BJ Alex. LOL

    raindragon July 7, 2020 5:32 am

    mangago says I've voted but won't let me see how many down and upvotes? WTF!

    raindragon July 7, 2020 6:51 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Choocu

    that smarmy sycophant uke and the about-face seme.

raindragon July 6, 2020 9:35 am

http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/put_a_smile_on/ Put A Smile On is a fun, interesting read (and a turn-on) if you have an open mind and the ability to suspend your moral judgementalism. Some of us enjoy this kind of story based on its content and not on whether or not it has rape in it. So I just want to recommend it. Four pages of hateful comments against a story and the people who want to read it is a bit much I think.

    DED =_= July 6, 2020 9:39 am

    I saw this yesterday.

    raindragon July 6, 2020 9:53 am
    I saw this yesterday. DED =_=

    sorry. it's not the same comment, but thanks for noticing

    DED =_= July 6, 2020 9:58 am
    sorry. it's not the same comment, but thanks for noticing raindragon


    raindragon July 6, 2020 10:00 am
    Owo. DED =_=

    I don't know what OwO means.

    DED =_= July 6, 2020 10:03 am
    I don't know what OwO means. raindragon

    It's an emoticon representing an innocent, cutesy surprised face with a cat-like smile, Owo

    raindragon July 6, 2020 10:08 am
    It's an emoticon representing an innocent, cutesy surprised face with a cat-like smile, Owo DED =_=

    OH. okay, thank you so much. innocent cutsey cats are nice. Owo

    DED =_= July 6, 2020 10:14 am
    OH. okay, thank you so much. innocent cutsey cats are nice. Owo raindragon

    Btw the art style of that manhwa is a bit um, they could've done better and if the story gets better in the after chaps we all might like it uwu even though there's rape uwu but it's not big of a deal uwu.

raindragon July 5, 2020 4:59 pm

What happens when a homophobe runs up against a gutsy, domineering gay guy who is crushing on him bigtime and has a feeling he's actually gay. Put On A Smile is a story I've always wanted to find. Now, because of this rabid stigma against rape, people are boycotting it without seeing how interesting its theme is. I hope more-open minded people will read this. I guess I have to run this ad for it on the home page LOL.

raindragon June 12, 2020 1:05 am

I need some smutty aphrodisiac yaoi. Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

raindragon May 31, 2020 5:27 pm

Thank you to all followers of my omegaverse list, ~In Heat~! Now I'm hoping for 500 followers, just 24 more! Help me out please!

    柔柔 May 31, 2020 5:49 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! kagura_pridefall

    damn bro why are you so aggressive xd (as a joke no offence)

    raindragon May 31, 2020 7:48 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! kagura_pridefall


    raindragon May 31, 2020 7:49 pm
    damn bro why are you so aggressive xd (as a joke no offence) 柔柔

    BECAUSE my list has millions of links! and....I've always been this way....
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    柔柔 May 31, 2020 10:42 pm
    BECAUSE my list has millions of links! and....I've always been this way.... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ raindragon

    Oh no not you, you do you I do me

    raindragon June 1, 2020 3:49 am
    Oh no not you, you do you I do me 柔柔

    Oh! okay, ty

    raindragon June 1, 2020 3:55 am
    Oh no not you, you do you I do me 柔柔

    wow. I don't know what your approval comment means. Are you in authority to approve my comment? "you do you, I do me" maybe explain this to me?

    柔柔 June 1, 2020 4:03 am
    wow. I don't know what your approval comment means. Are you in authority to approve my comment? "you do you, I do me" maybe explain this to me? raindragon

    oh my I mean you can do whatever you want because your opinion belongs to you I have no rights to say what you should do

    raindragon June 1, 2020 6:00 am
    oh my I mean you can do whatever you want because your opinion belongs to you I have no rights to say what you should do 柔柔

    total respect for that. thank you very much, @柔柔

    柔柔 June 1, 2020 12:51 pm
    total respect for that. thank you very much, @柔柔 raindragon

    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

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