i think he's trying to save someone to lift himself up, he doesn't love junyoung. he just needs the constant feeling like he could save someone so down to feel like he's a better guy. my god what a combination from his parents.
unfortunately for him, we have beomjin. he may not have everything but he's everything out girlie wants. gtfo delulu. the way she has drawn the line so many times doesn't mean someday it'll become an intersecting line between you and her. btch, grow up

i wanna share a part of my life that somehow relates to haesoo bc i've been in a relationship where i was haesoo, everything i'm doing was taken for granted. but our difference is, when i realized how tired i am from doing shit onesidedly, i told him. we worked it out, but that's what he made me believe we were doing bc he opted to look for a spare once he felt i was ready to dump the shit out of him. but tbh, it was hard. in that 4 yr relationship, it took me 2yrs to realize i'm holding unto a burnt out romance. haesoo, honey, let go, you'll definitely become happy once you leave that thorn on your side like i did

I don't know your relationship but the core aspect of hers and her useless ex is that they can't talk and work it out. From what we have seen, he always belittles her when she tries to reach out. Their relationship is doomed because one of them already gave up on the other and the girl is dummed down from all the abuse. I hope this is a sign for her and she can leave finally but this type of relationship is one you feel like staying or because leaving feels like dying.
I hope you are happy now OP! Failing relationships are so hard and draining
i hardly get what is happening but seems like they'll definitely become happy together