ive seen another raw link posted a few times but i would recommend this one instead.... cause the one ive seen posted here dosnt have all the chapters up to date like this one does:
here are the raws for people (like me XD) who cant wait
okey reading the raws just made me more annoyed at this story... really hate the way the story has turned out, with all the unnecessary drama it just feels like the author is dragging it out... never a good idé
oh and here are the raws btw https://toonkor.org/%EB%84%88%EB%9E%80-%EB%82%A8%EC%9E%90
here is a link to a non cut-up ch.34 to all the people who got a headache trying to read that shit... even ch.33 is there.
it sucks that i completely hate that Tonari girl... i find her so annoying that i can hardly stand it... i hope i warm up to her if she is gonna be with Fushi for a while.. but i kinda hope she's not gonna be one of those that characters that actually lives to travel with Fushi. she doesn't need to die just... don't follow Fushi for the rest of the manga -.-
wow talk about having the unpopular opinion but.... my least liked chapters is ch 4 and 2... (but mostly dont like 4) and here people are saying to just read those cause they are "the best", so far 3 is actually my fav