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just.soft July 8, 2021 5:53 am

Nah cause this got me yelling at 2am. Does it make any logical sense to trust the words of a person who is actively fighting tooth and nail against Eunsung's happiness?? It's not a fucking secret that he's blackmailing Eunsung so why the FUCK would you believe a word he saids?? So far Eunsung has been patient and understanding but I wouldn't fault him if he didn't have the energy to keep putting up with Jaehong's b.s. At this point Jaegong needs to alone forever he has the emotional maturity of a fucking rock.

just.soft April 27, 2021 6:04 am

Is she a crazy pervert or what? It seems her interest in him developed after seeing his leaked tapes. Even her own "best friend" doesn't want to be linked to her and her actions even though she enables them. Anyway I wish Yohan to never go to her again unless it's to spit in her face.

I kept wondering why he wasn't answering gis moms calls I guess her trying to "benfit" him by ignoring it didn't sit right with him and it shouldn't. I really hope he can get the help he needs cause a romantic relationship don't fix trauma like this

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