I just wanna know from people do you guys like the white long hair dude?
My personal opinion if you would like to know :) no I do not lol

I feel confused about him lol.. I dunno if he is possessed or just doing this to protect himself.. his past need some clarification on why the way he is. But it also doesn’t help that once the story really gave us hints about his past n stuff the translations were nutty so yeah. I like don’t like him but I could be swayed lol.

I've never liked storys like this, I generally hate uke being abit twinky... but after reading it I can not tell you how much water on my sheets. Like I'm balling my eyes out. Devil and judah piss me off, of course devil pisses me off just alittle bit very little tho but judaN however is a whole different stage of I fucking dont want to read anymore XD but after reading alot of the characters back story it's really fucking depressing... But we all know who is the greatest wholesome person here
But continuing on I'll give you a reason why I kind of got pissed a devil, number 1 I just want him to choose blue man his servant fuck I dont know his name but anyways number 2 he is abit weak but I understand that because of misery.. now we all know judan is a STUPID BITCH. BUT reading this made me change a perspective of my personal negativity of course the black hair dude that burns people who is madly in love with judan I feel EXTREMELY bad for him because of his trauma and rape now this story is really fucking sad. Here is wut I dont like about it.
Devil was weak but yet again i dont blame him.
DELETE judan.
This changed my personal negativity because if you had someone u knew or loved and your sibling or something and this shit happens to you. Now imagine in another person's perspective and for example you say some shitty stuff and do some shitty stuff to that person imagine being in a perspective of that person's friend or sibling now that pretty much hit hard for me lol but enough ranting this is my personal opinion
Agree or disagree doesnt matter have a good day.

I dont like it the mangas just off to me :////
Number 1, hes a femboy so Yup that's it when I saw wut he looks like I was like nope I'm done and number 2 he fucked some other people so that was also a no for me lol

Number 1 : he just has a baby face which is the case for most asian people. İf he was a femboy he would be a boy who would present himself in a girly way which is not the case for him
Def of femboy:
And when you say things like "oh he s feminine bc he s skinny and thats bc he s a bottom" and all you are just creating even more stereotypes despite the fact that i m sure you dislike stereotypes
Number 2 : he was legit raped, gangraped like you are legit shaming him for being a victime if you say you disklike him cause he fucked other people cause he was purely raped
I literally was screaming " if you dont back the fuck up I'm gonna shove a candle up ur ass and light it up until it reaches INTO ur anus and melts ur organs"