Did Sangwoo really love Bum? I mean, at the end, Sangwoo tried to kill him. I know he called Bum while he was in the hospital but still... I'm not sure...
(PS: what's with these deaths ?! For both of them. Im not sad that this psychopath died but it’s sad how they lived and never experienced happiness or love before becoming psychopath.
First off no he didn't love bum there was NO LOVE IN THIS! Between the characters at least... second off he’s straight sooo... and also he pretty much sees bum as his mommy... and third off the grandma is the real mvp! He’s a fucking psycho killer rapist... what’s to love? He’s hot? So all his killings an torture and rape is fine? Disgusting. uwu
The fangirl in me says yes, the realistic part says no.
Sangwoo was completely and utterly mentally unstable. He was a literal sociopath. Life was a game to him. He didn't care about anyone but himself and everyone was fair game. He didn't care who he hurt or how many he killed, his goal was to beat the game. I'm guessing his game had to deal with his mother and the abuse he went through as a child, as we saw him portray a lot of his bent up anger on Bum and harming others.. Sangwoo was incapable of loving anything, let alone another human being. He hardly cared about himself. In modern days he would be either killed or in a psych ward with guards blocking every door for the rest of his life. He also managed to manipulate Bum into staying and loving him. Bum was so distraught after Sangwoo died that he ran into traffic, killing himself instantly. Bum would have died anyway die to the hardcore abuse and manipulation Sangwoo sent him through. Sangwoo might have been dead but his sociopathic ways told Bum that he would never be healed or happy without Sangwoo. Sangwoo said he would kill Bum, and he did.
Bum loved him. Not by choice but by force. Bum loved Sangwoo in the beginning but he began to resent him later. Over the course of the story Sangwoo manipulated Bum into loving him again, which is why he was so torn when Sangwoo died. That is a common thing with abductors -they make their victims believe they're nothing without them. Sangwoo convinced Bum that everything his family did to him was his fault and that no one would believe Bum if he left. Bum began to believe Sangwoo and in his eyes Sangwoo was the only person who "cared for him."
I think that maybe claude’s brother is behind everything. I know it does sound strange but in athy’s dream, we saw a man whom i assume is claude’s brother. Moreover, in claude’s childhood, we saw his brother being called by someone where it seemed like darkness.
And that’s all...
It’s just my opinion, because so far we don’t know anything special about him so i’m just wondering ...
Anyway, 3 months ?! Omg. No rlly thx to the author for creating such an amazing story. I rlly like it :)
Ps : i ship so much Athy and Lucas (even if i feel bad for ezekyel)
I feel bad for Ezekiel too but...I ship lucas and athy too bad plus she kissed him...even if it was just on the cheek