he needs to go to therapy for his parent issues and not become romantically obsessed and possessive over his biological little brother
winters and bittersweet story combo really hits different
bro the proportions here make this such a funny read
with her beautiful hair and luscious fur coat i know already if she were to have an animal form it was be gorgeous, maine coon vibes
woah woah woah!?? the pacing in the second life?? hello!?
doesn’t this man has an empire to run or something better to do than be running around like a rabid dog???
and that’s a wrap imagine cheating and still losing because you’re too busy getting a boner over your own ego
he’s staring at the phone like damn that’s pocket change
bro just juiced in front of everyone in an official fight????
i wish we could have more mcs like the first story
what the actual fuck it’s unfortunate his mother didn’t succeed bro is a fucked up pos