the first older brother was attempting to kill the fl using the sword. however the fl was suddenly able to use the goddess' power (the sparkling glow on her hand) so she prayed for the goddess to help her if she was actually seeing what was happening. the goddess helped her which is why the brother's sword was flung away from the fl lead's body when it came into contact with her. the power of the goddess also heals the cut on the fl's neck from the sword. you also see the second brother running and entering the room at the end, he realized the first brother's plan to attack the fl and wanted to stop him.
minor spoiler below for relationship between fl and goddess:
the reason the goddess helps the fl is because the fl is the daughter of the goddess (currently under the guise of the fl being a saintness)

From what I’ve gathered, the female lead is the goddess’ daughter. Because of a bet the goddess made with the male lead, the goddess’ goal is to possess or take over the female lead’s body. As of now, it seems the goddess is trying to accomplish this under the guise of granting the female lead saint-like powers.

link to the novel: https://wuxiaworld.site/novel/omniscient-readers-viewpoint-novel/
if anyone is willing to read 500+ chapters, i highly recommend reading the novel! it goes much more in-depth into the plot and details. it was such a great and worth the time it takes to read!

chapter 61 of the manhwa is essentially chapter 67 of the novel. you can always check to see where a part of this manhwa is at in the novel by scrolling down to the bottom of a chapter! the flamescans left a small note at the end of each chapter regarding where each manhwa chapter is in the novel! enjoy!

they lived together in a house with a cat and a dog and never got married were buried next to one another. they were best friends.

Oh damn my b. I'm not caught up but it looked like she was still in a relationship with Rebecca while getting engaged because of how society is (as in women must Marty a men before 25), but also because she loved green hair too. Her interactions with them both so far have been that of a lover, disappointing to hear that it ends up like every other one of the princess-y noble manhua. Now my comment is a subtle dig at that one too yes

the second prince, rohas has the same mother as the female lead (hence their similar hair colours) and he won't die in the end because the princess makes a deal with the black haired male lead. the entire time the second prince was trying to protect the female lead (ointment + not killing her + not exposing her).
the art in this manhwa is so beautiful and it only gets more and more beautiful with each chapter! part of me thought that the beautiful art would begin to fade as the story progressed as with many other manhwas with a genre similar to this one. the details, the colors, the style! all of it just looks gorgeous!
yea, I honestly just read it for the art cause the story at the beginning didn't really appeal to me