ok so, the school that I'm attending is pretty like..... This school is where the smart people go and towards the end of the year, me and some of my friends went out of the classroom because the teacher wasn't there and outside, at the school gym was all the 10th grader boys crossdressing- I'm- but apparently that was a school tradition-and I'm jus......
We had a poop bandit, every couple of weeks some guy would shit in the sink or the soap dispenser in the boys bathroom and some poor unwitting sap would use the soap dispenser and would have poo smelling hands for the rest of the day. This went on for several months and then nothing for a couple of months, just when ppl started to feel safe, it wou......
I previously mentioned that my (bi)sexuality is as important as my being right-handed, and it's true. Unpopular perspective but irdc for LGBT+ culture and politics all that much. Before I see you as gay, lesbian, bisexual, whatever, I will try to see you as your own person. But if you're constantly revolving your whole personality around a specifi......
What you are doing is like going to a forum of horror movies and telling everybody that killing is wrong. Yes, they know very well killing is wrong in real life, but people may like horror as fiction. They can write about it and make a movie out of it as long as they label it properly for people that don't want to watch horror.

Park Seungtaek & Lee Kyubin story is probably one of my favorite BL pairing i ever read since long time. The story of how they met to become friend & then become lover is just felt surreal & natural. Their relationship at beginning happen because they like same rapper & they need each other companion. Kyubin need someone to hang out in his empty house after his family death & Seungtaek need place where he can forget all the stress his mom burden him. So it felt naturally like falling in love slowly with your best friend. Also i love their. I also like their dynamic, a delinquent who actually pretty nice & a top student who actually pretty emotional
Even though i would like the series to explore more the "Two Mister" story and history of their relationship, i appreciate any BL story that have diverse couple & character that was well developed.Like Kwon Inbeom, despite the fact he side character & show up again pretty late into the story, has become one of my favorite character in entire series in matter of second. From someone that can be sum up to one sentence ("He Beat Up Seungtaek"), to someone you hope will ever find a person that care for him, say a lot about this writer character development. I am happy that the writer left the two main couple story in open ending but really, i hope there will be Kwon Inbeom spin off story of this. I don't care if its BL or not, i just want that guy to find happiness & find someone who want him in their life, because the feeling of not wanted by anyone is worse thing ever.
What the must ludest picture you have right now