metapunch's experience ( All 1 )

20 06,2020
i had my first real crush in the sixth grade lmao. i jumped the gun on a lot of dumb shit bc i was 12 and she was the first girl i liked- no matter how old you are, you're gonna fuck something up the first time around, so if you havent loved anyone yet, dont worry too much. i'd say if you do fall in love, dont mind dumb stuff like the gender of th......   reply
20 06,2020

metapunch's answer ( All 4 )

the free! dj called "goodbye friend". i have never watched free!, and now i cant bc i will be reminded   2 reply
21 06,2020
this is the funniest question i've ever seen,, i'll try my hand at it lol. let's figure it out together i've heard a lot of things on the idea of alpha women in omegaverse, like that they also have dicks, or that they cant get pregnant, but im not sure which you would like better? i think it would come down to personal headcanon but i think to pre......   2 reply
20 06,2020
i'd think they'd only want you to stop calling yourself a fujoshi (which is reasonable let's not fetishize gay men). its totally fine to like manga, even if its yaoi. i read yaoi/shounen ai, yuri, and regular shoujo just bc i like to read about people being happy/in love. i dont think i'd stop reading manga anytime soon, because i'm not as much of ......   reply
21 05,2020
mine happened to be blood bank . i think i went easy on myself it wasnt too bad now i just go for the weird shit   reply
27 02,2020

metapunch's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do travel the world

I just want run and never came back. Maybe Antarctica?

2 hours
did how are u guys doing in school

got a 25% on my first physics exam 0-0 at least with corrections i can get up to a B!

8 hours
want to do my first boyfriend

ive had 2 girlfriends but never a boyfriend and i rlly want one bc ive never had one

8 hours