Please note translation is based on this link:

Last time on chapter 6, Shingo told Kagami that he wants to break up with him. By the way, I'm changing format again... In the end... I prefer translating every line instead of writing summary hahahaha because I'm bad at writing summaries!! sorry ._. someone can write the story summary on my behalf? =D <3 Oh, and all text in brackets are my thoughts/notes! It's not in the Chinese translation!

[Page 1]
Nothing important to translate

[Page 2]
Top bracket - But you're not emitting
Bottom bracket - any scent

[Page 3]
Text on right - I'm not interested in you
Text on left (Shingo body area) - Even if that's how you judge my feelings for you

[Page 4]
Top text - At this moment, your body still overflows with your scent
Bottom text - I've always thought, this is the last heaven (seventh heaven) I've always thought this place will never be destoryed. Up till just now.

[Page 5]
(Sex sounds at the top)
Bottom left box - He says I'm not emitting any scent. That made me so angry

[Page 6]
Top bottom (Hicky filled Shingo area) - I ended up saying some excessive things to him
Bottom box - But what I'm feeling now
Bottom link box - Is neither anger (top), nor sadness (bottom)

[Page 7]
Top right bubble - It just won't work
Text between bubble - I've never experience this feeling before. What exactly is it?
Bubble - I want to break up with you

[Page 8]
Text at bottom left corner hand - Puts down

[Page 9]
Bubble between Shingo & Kagami - Break up?
Bubble to the right - Do you know what are you saying?

[Page 10]
Bottom of the page right bubble - I know
Link bubble (top) - I've seriously considered it
Link bubble (bottom) - and have decided to break up

[Page 11]
Top right corner bubble - that so?
Bubble below - So you've considered it
Next box, bubble right of Kagami - And that's your conclusion after you've considered?
Bubble below - You just decided on it without discussing it with me
Bubble to the left - Do you think that I'll just accept it after you've phrase it that way?
Bubble below, right of Shingo - There's no choice after all
Bubble to the left - because you're not emitting any scent

[Page 12]
Bubble on right - Maybe I was mistaken?
Bubble on left - The person I like, is not you
Bubble below - ...besides
Link bubble (top) - you will need to keep going over there (Chinese translation didn't mention who needs to keep going over there, but I think Kagami fits the bill)
Link bubble (bottom) - Without you next to me, a person like me, will definitely do it (sex) with someone else
Bubble to the left - If we're gonna argue over having an affair, we might as well just break up

[Page 13]
Bubble on top right - Even though you've said before that this is all because I have never been able to truly trust you
Link bubble (top) - or maybe
Link bubble (bottom) - I'm unable to trust myself
Next link bubble (top) – Sorry
Link bubble (bottom) - I hate troublesome things

[Page 14]
Top link bubble (right) - ...before you go over there
Link bubble (left) - I'll move out from here
Bottom link bubble (top) - ...this time
Link bubble (bottom) - Shingo is the one who abandoned me

[Page 15]
Nothing to translate (Yay! I mean...cough cough I was joking...)

[Page 16]
Text above plant - Close door
Text above Kagami's head - Lies down
Text in box - Even if I asked

[Page 17]
Top right corner box - He will not tell me the real reason why he wants a break up
Box to left - These, I could still understand
(Yes! Emo Kagami!! Me liekz cough cough)
Bottom right corner box - I don't want to forcefully question him
Box to left - or persuade him to stay

[Page 18]
Top right corner box - I've
Text between 2 boxes - Though it doesn't matter anymore
Box - said some excessive things to him again
Bubble to the left - Doesn't matter anymore...
Mini bubble below - huh?
Remaining chinese text - Tick tock tick tock (Sounds of clock ticking)

[Page 19]
Only bubble in page - So tired

[Page 20]
Text in top frame - Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (They're swooning, I thought they were laughing...)
Bubble between 2 boxes - With this, the contract has been sealed officially
(Kagami signed his name, Kagami Keiichi, on the paper)
Bubble - Please take care of me (He's saying Yoroshiku)
Bubbly bubble below - Please take care of me (Same, Yoroshiku <3, dammit Angelo!)

[Page 21]
Bubble - ......
Next bubble - Please take care of me
Text - Grabs (To be honest, I don't know this chinese word, but we know what Angelo did)
Next text - Supports

[Page 22]
Big text between - (No idea, I think it's the sfx for squeezing his face)
Bubble below Angelo - I'm speaking in Japanese specially for you. Why aren't you correcting me?
Bubble below Kagami - I'm so sorry but I'm not that intelligent
Bubble - No~way~ I won't forgive you
Text above the old guys - Oh my, their relationship sure is good. Hahaha
Bubble below - As punishment, do me a favour
Bubble in next box - Can you help me contact your brother?
Bubble right of Angelo - I've sent some messages to him before but he has never replied to any of them
Bubble in between - It's a rare that we're all in Japan. I want to meet him.
Bubble to the left - I don't really mind
Chinese text above hand - Kiss <3

[Page 23]
Top link bubble (top) - Because brother is very busy
Link bubble (bottom) - I will just let Takamizawa know of it first
Text to the left, same frame - Eh?

Next box, top right bubble - No, that's
Bubble below - If possible, why not directly with Yuujin (Kagami's brother)
Next bubble - It's still the same no matter who I tell

Next box, shouting bubble top - It's not the same!!
Bubble below - Are you listening? Keiichi!
Bubble below - Wait!!

Text next to Kagami - President, Michishige-san (Manager), let's go
Manager - Whoa, what's wrong?
Text near Kagami's hands - Wave, wave
Link bubble (top) - Michishige-san
Link bubble (bottom) - I would like you to help me book a hotel
Centre box - I thought I've already decided to do it myself
Box on left - yet it feels like someone else's matter

[Page 24]
Bubble between Shingo & Kagami - Welcome back

Next box, top right corner bubble - ...oh
Bubble to the left - You're late today
Bubble to the left - I came back after eating dinner at Masa's
Bubble to the left - that so?

Text next to feet - Step up (to the platform)
Link bubble (top) - That's great
Link bubble (bottom) - You still know how to return home

[Page 25]
Bubble below Shingo - ...after all, I still have not begin to look for other rental rooms.
Next bubble - You don't need to look for a house
Link bubble (top) - Anyway, I'm leaving Japan this week
Link bubble (bottom) - Before I leave, I'll be staying at the hotel. So Shingo can live here.
(Note: The bubble is pointing at Shingo,but it's actually Kagami who is saying the above lol)

Next link bubble (top) - Are you stupid?
Link bubble (bottom) - How can I do that?

[Page 26]
Sfx next to helmet - Thud!
Sfx between Shingo & Kagami - Bang
Bubble to the right - I'm going to ask you one last time
Bottom left corner bubble - What's the reason for breaking up with me?

[Page 27]
Kagami bubble - Because you hate it that I'm leaving here for filming?
Next bubble - Or is it because you don't like me going with Angelo to drink after work?
Bubble below - ...Scent
Next bubble - Is it because I said that it doesn't matter even if there's no scent emitted?
Side bubble - Argh

[Page 28]
Top link bubble (top) - You're annoying!
Link bubble (bottom) - Also your stalker like behaviour!

Right link bubble (left) - There's no other reasons
Link bubble (right) - It's just like what I said this morning

Left link bubble (left) - Towards you, I've already....
Link bubble (right) - Argh

[Page 29]
Link bubble - D..Don't
Next link bubble - Ah (left) huu (right)
Bubble below - Don't
Next bubble – Hnn
Next bubble – Haa
(Shingo being sexy as heck)

[Page 30]
Bubble – Hurts
Text below – Bites
Text in next box – Lick
Bubble below - I did love you, Shingo

[Page 31]
Bubble - But I will break up with you
Link bubble (top) - ...You have to live well
Link bubble (bottom) - I love you

[Page 32]
Text near door - Close door
Text in box - Had I known earlier

[Page 33]
Box at top right of page - I might as well just bite him to death and bring him over
Next box - But I love him too much
Next box - I definitely won't be able to do it?

<3 To be Continued...<3
2015-10-27 02:48 marked

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