Ho-Seung, an unpopular office worker who works for one of the largest corporations in Korea, is crou...
- Author: Yoon Gon-ji,Hard Work
- Genres: Drama
A crowded subway full of people, and a hand that enters from beneath the skirt. The fear of being se...
- Author: Akachan
- Genres: Webtoons / Seinen(M) / Adult / Mature / Smut / Cheating/Infidelity / Fetish / Netorare/NTR / Revenge / SM/BDSM/SUB-DOM Webtoons Webtoons Cheating/Infidelity Fetish Netorare/NTR Revenge SM/BDSM/SUB-DOM
A collection of short stories with hot art, kinky sex similar to 'Sexual Exploits'. The writer of 'S...
- Author: PYO,Orambi
- Genres: Official Colored / Long Strip / Romance / Anthology / Drama / Web Comic