Why is everyone saying this was bad or out of place? Blondie literally realized what was wrong and came for our guy and our guy made it clear why he did what he did? They've dated for five years, they broke up for only four months during which they banged too. Don't y'all fight with long term partners and make up real quick??? If anything this chapter was beautiful esp when he says "I've never not loved you". The only thing ion lik about this story was the dub con scene but otherwise it's pretty good?
Wasn't the ml kinda normalish? Isn't the way he's acting now kind of v diff to how he normally is or did I skip a few chaps
I don't think he ever was normal. He just kept his cool and controlled himself. The moment she started relying on him much more, he began to be possessive and treat her like she was his possession, so she wouldn't run away. He basically told her to be pliant and look pretty, and she will live (because that's what she wanted the most, to survive)
He did slaughter her whole kingdom. He was always shitty