idk if its bad or not but i kinda wanna keep reading just to see if kaede ever does get to break free from azusas manipulative ass... like this couldve been so good only if azusa wasnt such a fucking dick. like if he hadnt r”ped him or forced him to bite him then they could have been like good friends or smth. but besides all that, i truly do hope that kaede gets to break the bond one day without reminding himself of what his father had done to his mother.

tw r@pe
this dude just fr r$ped kaede, forced him into becoming mates, and then pretended like he was the victim by trying to leave kaede, chances are- since he visited kaedes mother- he most likely knows what happened to her, and is trying to use that against kaede by saying stuff like hes the only one he loves n stuff. idk dude .... azusa just dont sit right w me. Just the way that he manipulated kaede into staying w him and forcing him to bite him .... it just doesnt seem like the relationship would work at all and is like... a lil toxic. i feel pity for kaede in a way.
I know damn well it’s not just me thinking how weird it is to show nsfw of the characters when most of them r like 12-15 rn like the red head kid … he was just introduced yet there was an nsfw picture of him at the bottom of the update …. That’s really weird dude.
Hello!! Author here! Every time I do a NSFW drawing for my Patreon I draw the characters when they are adults over 20. That’s why they look older; anyways, I still feel the need to apologize, I’m sorry I made you feel that way.
no it’s good that Atleast they r over 20 , but it would be a better idea if you (or whoever the uploaded is) were to Atleast upload the nsfw when the characters aren’t like .. children in the current time of the story, and would be a better idea to upload it when they catch up with the ages they are in the art sorry if it sounded disrespectful or rude